83: The Two Biggest Reasons Why Eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet Helps Us Thrive

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
83: The Two Biggest Reasons Why Eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet Helps Us Thrive

People often ask me: Why is it healthy to remove meat, dairy, and eggs from our diet? In today’s episode, I explain the two biggest reasons why eating a whole-food plant-based diet helps us thrive. This episode is short and sweet. Feel free to use this script if people ask you a similar question. Links…

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82: When You Want To Eat Plant Based and Your Family Doesn’t

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
82: When You Want To Eat Plant Based and Your Family Doesn’t

If you want to eat a whole-food plant-based diet and your family is NOT, I repeat, NOT on board, that doesn’t mean you can’t live a plant fueled life! 100% tune into this episode to see how to eat plant based even if you’re surrounded by carnivores. We’ll dive deep and focus on why you…

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81: How To Ease Into Eating a Plant Based Diet

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
81: How To Ease Into Eating a Plant Based Diet

When you switch to a plant based way of eating, you can either jump in head first and change what you eat all in one go, or you can ease your way into it. There’s no right or wrong way to eat more plants. Tune into this episode if you want to ease your way…

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80: Eating Plant Based and Gluten-Free While Traveling

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
80: Eating Plant Based and Gluten-Free While Traveling

If you want to eat plant based when you travel, it’s totally possible. In this episode, I give you some tips and tricks for how to do it, along with a list of groceries and examples of meals I made on a recent trip to Corsica, a French Island in the Mediterranean Sea. I will…

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79: Using Visualization to Help You Make Healthy Choices

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
79: Using Visualization to Help You Make Healthy Choices

When we make healthy lifestyle changes, we start to let go of the stuff that does not support our health and well-being. Whether it’s soda, cheese, processed sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, or binge-watching Netflix, addictive habits that are pleasurable in the moment can be hard to break, especially in the beginning. In this episode, I share…

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78: Maximizing the Time You Spend in Your Kitchen

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
78: Maximizing the Time You Spend in Your Kitchen

Eating a healthy whole-food plant-based diet takes longer than eating the Standard American Diet. There’s no way around this. But there is a way to maximize your time in the kitchen to save time during the week. I explain how to make the most of your time in the kitchen. Even if you don’t batch…

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77: My Thoughts on Kombucha and Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine

Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
77: My Thoughts on Kombucha and Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine

Have you ever wondered if the small trace of alcohol in most kombucha is a no-go if you’re sober or taking a break from the booze? Are you thinking about pouring a glass of non-alcoholic wine but decide not to since it just doesn’t feel…right? Unless you live under a rock (which sounds super cozy…

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76: Why I’m Not Committed to Eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet

Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
76: Why I'm Not Committed to Eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet

When I tell people I eat a whole-food plant-based diet, I often get responses like: “You must be really dedicated and committed!” “How do you not eat cheese???” “That must be really hard!” I explain why I’m not committed or dedicated to this way of eating in today’s episode. I also talk about the shift that makes this way…

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75: My Insights About Going Gluten-Free and Tips to Make It Easier For You

clean food dirty girl podcast plant based molly patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
75: My Insights About Going Gluten-Free and Tips to Make It Easier For You

If you are trying to eliminate gluten from your life, especially if you are resistant to it, this is an excellent episode for you! I was not a happy camper when I realized my body was better off without gluten, but I soon realized it was much easier than I was making it in my head. I talk…

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