Sam Finds Strength, Health, and More as a Plant Based Mom

sam smith featured image

By Molly Patrick
Feb 19, 2022,

When Sam Smith had her second child in 2017, she knew it was time to address her health. She wanted to be a healthy, energetic mom for her kids. After her doctor suggested whole-food plant-based eating, Sam found Clean Food Dirty Girl and she’s been a member ever since. Our plant-based meal plans helped her become a plant based mom full of energy, strength, and a zest for life. She also released the weight she wanted to release. 

I just wanted to be healthy. I want to be putting good things in my body that were going to allow me to live a long and mobile life. And I wanted to be strong.

Sam Smith, Clean Food Dirty Girl member since 2017

Five years later, the extra weight is still off, and she and her family feel energetic, strong, and happy. She feeds herself and her family without stress and has managed her family’s lifestyle change with grace, compassion, and humor.

Watch this chat to learn how Sam:

  • Ended the yo-yo dieting cycle and has kept her weight consistent for the past five years
  • Raises plant based kids while allowing room for flexibility
  • Communicates about her food choices with skeptical or unsupportive family and friends
  • Made the plant based transition with her meat and dairy loving husband
sam and her family

What Sam, plant based mom, has to say:

In June 2017, I met with my new primary care physician and heard the phrase, “whole-food plant-based” for the first time. At that point, I was nearly 100 pounds heavier than I am now and I was worried about my long-term health, especially since I was a new mother to two kids under the age of two. I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to keep up with them if I didn’t make changes to what I ate and how I viewed food. I worried that my health was going to get in the way of my being the adventurous and hands-on mom I always wanted to be.

To put it simply, I went all-in. Eating plants and avoiding oil was entirely unknown terrain, and it was overwhelming. I have no idea how I ended up finding Clean Food Dirty Girl, but I became a [Clean Food Dirty Girl] member in August 2017 and never looked back. The meal plans helped me navigate my new way of eating. Now each week, my family eats nutritious, filling, and delicious whole-food plant-based meals. And I can’t imagine fueling my body with anything else.

Closed captioning available.

You can also listen to this chat on our podcast!

Clean Food Dirty Girl Podcast
Clean Food Dirty Girl
20: Sam Smith's Plant Based Transition - The Challenges and Wins

Download Podcast Audio

Thank you, Sam, for chatting with me! It was a pleasure to meet you and hear about your experience with plants. You are incredible. 

Want to make the yummy recipes and meal plans mentioned in Sam’s chat? We got you.

opa greek gourmet plant based meal plan
Opa meal plan
Simple Opa Greek Whole-Food Plant-Based Meal Plan
Simple Opa meal plan
Whole-Food Plant-Based Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Tofu Lettuce Wraps
Eating Whole-Food Plant-Based Doesn't Have to Mean Sacrificing Your Culture + Black Bean Hummus
Black Bean Hummus

Now we want to hear from you! What are your health wins and how did a whole-food plant-based diet help you achieve them? What works for your life as a plant based mom, dad, partner, human? Let us know in the comments below, we want to celebrate with you!

May you find your own wiggle room.


Get a weekly dose of inspiration to eat more plants and celebrate imperfection

Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.


  1. Alecia Zimmerman on February 23, 2022 at 9:57 am

    I really needed to hear this interview this week. I am also a mother of two younger children and a wife and so much of what Sam said hits home for me (the constant thinking about calories, yo-yo diets, wanting to be healthy to keep up with my kids…). My transition to WFPB has been a work in progress over the last couple years but I’ve recommitted about a month ago with the help of the simple plans. The distress I was having trying to think of nutritious things to cook every day, three times a day, was making me miserable. I LOVE cooking and being able to feed my family food that makes them strong and healthy people feeds my soul. No, my kids don’t love everything but they are so much more adventurous eaters than their peers and it’s not usually a battle at meal time. I’m finding my wiggle room is getting a whole lot smaller now that I’m filling and fueling my body with such delicious food. Thank you to the whole dirty team for giving me some tasty tools to live a life that I want <3

    • Team Dirty - Brittany on February 23, 2022 at 11:33 pm

      It was such a great interview! We are so thrilled you’re in our community. As a mother of three kiddos (age 5-13) I totally related as well. That’s great the Simple plans are a huge help. I know it’s not easy putting the extra effort into batch or cooking plant based in general, but it’s so worth it.

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