#BurgerMadness Plant-Based Meal Plan
By Team Dirty
Oct 29, 2021
#BurgerMadness will have you out of your mind with delirious delight for this plant based burger-themed menu. It is sure to gratify your burger cravings and satisfy your thirst for plants!
The Gourmet plan will have you whipping up a Secret Sauce Dressing that you’ll want to drink straight from your blender, and an outrageously delicious Creamy Hemp Seed Sour Cream made from cashews, sunflower and hemp seeds. If you’ve never made Tofurger Crumbles before, you’ll be shocked at how flavorful tofu can be!
Meal Plan tester Wendy batched the Gourmet Plan in 3½ hours and was delighted by this week’s yummy-ness. She declared this burger-themed masterpiece, “Absolutely amazing!”
We’re especially drooling over that Cheesy Tofurger Soup. It’s a much-loved legendary Dirty recipe from 2019’s #FallFlavors, and we can’t wait to dive into a big ol’ bowl of it again!
Meet us in your classroom to scoop up the goods. Not a member to our Meal plans yet? Remedy that right here and then get to cooking!
Gourmet Plant Based Menu
Simple Burger Madness
Plant Based & Gluten Free Menu
Our Simple plans are always less complicated than the Gourmet plans, with a faster batch, but simple does not mean boring. Not when it’s done Dirty-style! The flavors are every bit as magical as the Gourmet plan. In fact, the Loaded Plant Based Burger Salad on Friday will have your big-ass-bowl loaded with salad greens, crumbled bean burgers, and your choice of tomatoes, bell pepper, olives, pickles, cilantro, black pepper, Secret Sauce Dressing, and jalapeños if you’re feeling spicy!
Gluten-free meals in this plan include:
- Simple Burger Lettuce Wraps and Juicy Grapes
- Speedy Chili Alfredo Mac
- Bean & Beet Kofta Burger and Simple Green Salad
- Speedy Chili and Bell Pepper Slices
- Loaded Burger Salad with Secret Sauce Dressing
P.S. Take a look at our subscribers’ love for #BurgerMadness!
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