Hell yes, a Plant Fueled Reset is happening

Plant Fueled Reset 2024 with Clean Food Dirty Girl New Year's Fueled by Plants

Are you ready to stop the spiral of unhealthy eating and get back to feeling energetic, healthy, and happy without the frustration of doing it on your own? Imagine sitting at your dining room table on a Friday evening and planning your healthy food for the following week.  The next morning, you wake up, put…

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Sleigh the Holidays Without Destroying Your Plant Based Ways

Sleigh the Holidays Without Destroying Your Plant Based Ways

🍭 When I say October, do you hear “Halloween candy o’plenty?” 🥧 When I say November, do you hear “pumpkin pie with extra whipped cream?” 🍪 When I say December, do you hear, “fuck it, the last shred of self-care has gone out the window, and I’m going to ride the wave of spiced rum, sugar cookies,…

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How to Use Miso to Up Your Umami Game

how to use miso

Let’s talk about one of my favorite ingredients—miso. Before we talk about how to use miso, here’s a quick personal story about a time in my life when I really felt the benefits. As a side note, I’ve been eating and sipping on miso my whole life. Back in the ‘80s in the US, miso…

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No Longer Willing to Settle

No longer willing to settle

There is nothing more inspiring than when someone reaches the point where they’re no longer willing to settle. Not everyone reaches this point the same way. It takes different things for different people, but when someone catches a glimpse of their worth, stepping into their power isn’t far behind.  It doesn’t matter how many people…

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Using Our Time and Money to Support Our Health

What we deem worthy of spending money on differs for everyone, but I’ve noticed a pattern. The stuff we tell ourselves we can’t afford is usually the stuff that helps our overall health and well-being. When it comes to fleeting pleasures that don’t add to the quality of our lives, we typically don’t think twice…

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Beginner’s Guide to a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet

Beginner's Guide to a whole-food plant-based diet

If you’re new to eating a whole-food plant-based diet, or if you’re just curious, you came to the right spot. It’s worth mentioning that neither whole-food plant-based eating, diet nor a vegan diet are “diets” in the sense of restricting calories. The term is used here as a description of how someone eats on a…

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My Plant Based France Adventure: Part Two, Corsica

During my epic 2½ months in France, my girlfriend and I hopped a plane to the beautiful island of Corsica (or Corse in French) in the stunning Mediterranean Sea. We rented a car and had a two-week adventure around the island. Corsica is the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean and is situated southeast of…

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Becoming That Person

Becoming That Person by Molly Patrick Life Coach

Do you want to write a book, make pottery, stop smoking, run a marathon, start a business, eat plant based, learn a new language, quit eating sugar, or move to a farm and raise 34 baby goats?  In order to do the thing you want to do, you must become the person who does that…

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Announcing Recipe Vault Access in Clean Food Dirty Girl

Clean Food Dirty Girl Recipes Vegan and Oil Free

No matter its size or shape, the human body is a beautiful, miraculous, stunning, complex, highly intelligent organism made up of trillions of cells. TRILLIONS of cells. 🤯 My brain doesn’t know what to do with that information. It’s like when I visited the Musée de Cluny, the medieval museum in Paris, and saw a…

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