Posts by Molly Patrick
Meal Plan Batching Demo (video) + Furikake Seasoning (plant based)
Hi gorgeous! I have a special little treat for you today thanks to our resident Dirty dude, Wyatt Nash, and his most awesome wife, Rebecca. Wyatt and Rebecca have been in our community for a couple of years, batching our meal plans and participating in the Dirty fun over in our Facebook group. This fab…
Read MoreCome Play With Us in Hawaii + Perfectly Roasted Garlic Without Oil
We had our first and last CFDG retreat in 2018. It was our last not because it wasn’t amazing, it was amazing, but because physical events are not what we want to do. You can read some of our takeaways in this blog post. Wishing you a happy week. May it be filled with saying…
Read MoreDirty Girl Kati Gomez Turns Her Entire Life Around in One Year (video) + Whole-Food Plant-Based Baked Cauliflower Tandoori (oil free)
A few weeks ago I had the great pleasure of having a Skype chat with one of my fave Dirty Girls, Kati Gomez. If you’re in our private Facebook group you’ve seen Kati around. She lives on Maui and owns a successful photography business. She is a vibrant, strong, plant eating badass who loves life.…
Read MoreScrew Being Skinny + Plant Based Shiitake Chow Mein with Soba Noodles
If someone is motivated to eat more plants for the sole purpose of releasing weight then I say, “A-Okay.” Whatever gets them through the plant based door, son! Because, here’s the thing: once they are through that door, their whole world opens up and fireworks start to go off. Their fundamental beliefs about food change.…
Read MoreFreedom by Lyndsey Hafer-Williams + Whole-Food Plant-Based Almond Butter Chocolate Chia Pudding
If you’re in our private Facebook group, you KNOW Lyndsey Hafer-Williams. You know her enthusiasm, her perfectly crafted adjectives, her zest, her radiance, her brilliant sex analogies, her fire, her sass, her spark for life. If you’re like me, you look forward to her weekly meal plan updates and frankly, ANYTHING else she has to…
Read MoreI Urge You To Stop Feeling Guilty About Taking Time For Yourself + Instant Pot Lemon Poppyseed Steel Cut Oats
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” ~The Buddha One of the things I see most often in our Dirty community is that people (especially women) are quick to do everything for everyone else, leaving negative ten minutes for themselves. You make sure that your kids and…
Read MoreDirty Girl Amanda Dohrwardt Turns Her Life Around After Her MS Diagnosis + Plant Based Pineapple Fried Rice (oil free)
Dirty Girl Amanda Dohrwardt has made an incredible change in her life trajectory. Like 180 degrees through a plant-based diet. And when you watch our chat, you’ll have nothing but joy for her determination in the face of major life crises. Amanda is on her Whole-Food Plant-Based journey, navigating her mid-20s after years of blood pressure medicine, steady…
Read MoreThe Day Might Come When You Miss Craving Crappy Food + Oil Free Chili-Lime Baked Tofu
“Only one thing made him happy and now that it was gone everything made him happy.” ~Leonard Cohen If you’re up for the challenge… The day will come when you don’t reach for a cookie right after you eat dinner. When you drive past your usual drive-thru spot and you don’t even think to turn in.…
Read MoreEating Whole-Food Plant-Based When Traveling: Netherlands
Traveling and eating a plant-based diet are two of my favorite things. And I’ve never believed that one has to compromise the other. There are definitely challenges that come with eating plant based when traveling and I, for sure, don’t eat as healthy when I travel as I do when I’m home, but with a…
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