Dieting is a Bitch of a Cycle Not Unlike Abusive Relationships + Plant Based Rich Dessert Bites

By Molly Patrick
Apr 5, 2016,
By Molly Patrick
Apr 5, 2016,
Losing weight doesn’t have to be a complicated struggle. I mean, you can make it into that if you want, but that choice is yours. It can be easy, effortless, and dare I say….enjoyable. Oh yes, I dare – I double dog dare, I double downward facing dog dare.
Dieting sucks because they’re a pain in the ass and they don’t work. You might lose some weight in the beginning, but every dieter knows that when the diet is over, the weight comes back and then more weight usually appears. And then getting rid of that weight is even harder than it was the first time around.
Dieting is a bitch of a cycle that isn’t unlike an abusive relationship. You want it to work. You give it another shot. And then you’re sad but not surprised when you get hurt in the end…again.
You vow never to go back and then one day you find yourself at the kitchen table, adding up the calories in your lunch and scrutinizing them, scratching bread off from your shopping list, and feeling terrible because you’ve been down this road so many times and it doesn’t last.
People continue to diet because they don’t know what else to do and they want to lose some damn weight. I get it. Dropping excess fat helps lower bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevents certain types of cancers, protects against type 2 diabetes, makes it easier to breathe, increases energy, increases sleep quality, and gives a confidence boost. Plus it feels good to fit into our clothes better.
From a health perspective, there are lots of reasons to drop extra fat. Since diets don’t work in the long run, we can set them aside and never think about going on another one ever again. Sweet relief!
Zone, South Beach, Atkins, DASH, Biggest Loser, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig — none of them provide a healthy long term solution for a healthy body weight, so let’s pack em’ up and ship em’ out. They can go in the same box with the vibrating fat belt, the heated belly wraps, the Garcinia Cambogia and the abusive ex. Later alligators.
Deep breath out – feel the weight start to lift already.
Now that dieting is off the table (thank you little baby Jesus), how will you get your bod down to a healthy weight for your frame for the rest of your life without much effort?
Exercise you say? Well, you could exercise like a mad person if you wanted, but as it turns out, reaching a healthy weight has more to do with what you put in your mouth and less to do with how many hours you spend on the treadmill. Which is awesome news because treadmills are evil bastards that literally get you nowhere.
Exercise is great for lots of things. It keeps bones healthy and strong, it puts us in a damn good mood, it helps lower blood pressure, it makes our arms sexy, and it gives us energy. But it is not the determining factor in whether or not we can fit our ass comfortably into those jeans from 10 years ago.
So diets are out and exercise has been put in its place. Where should we go from here? Take my hand, I’m bringing you to a little place called Plant Town where shit is about to get a whole lot easier for you.
In order to easily lose weight and keep it off for good, all most people have to do is eat a diet full of whole plant foods. That’s it. Your body will take care of the rest.
There are no tricks.
This isn’t magic.
You don’t have to keep track of calories or points.
You don’t have to count carbs or protein.
You don’t have to buy pre-made meals, powders or shakes.
All you have to do is eat a wide range of whole plant foods in their natural state or as close to their natural state as possible every time you get hungry, and then stop eating when you’re no longer hungry. When this happens on the daily, extra weight will peel right off. Just like a banana.
It doesn’t get easier than that.
Now, you might start this journey because you want to lose weight, but what you’ll quickly find is that it’s not about the weight at all.
This is a paradigm shift which results in healing your relationship with food for the rest of your life.
- This is about upgrading your overall health.
- It’s about reevaluating the role that food plays in your life.
- It’s about getting and staying off of medication.
- It’s about reconnecting with your body.
- It’s about being empowered and informed so that you can make the best decisions about what to put in that gorgeous body of yours, so that it works for you and not against you.
Losing weight is just a bonus, a little somin’ extra, a party favor.
This is a lifestyle that transcends scales, diets, and traditional thinking about nutrition, weight and health. And if you allow it to, this will change your life.
We make it easy for you when you join Clean Food Dirty Girl to see for yourself why eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet is the only way of eating that has been shown to have long term results for weight loss and SO MUCH MORE. You’ll also understand exactly how to do it, because all you have to do is follow along.
Losing weight in a way that’s healthy and sustainable has everything to do with the quality of calories you eat and not the quantity of calories you eat.
When we eat whole plant foods we can eat the same amount or more than we’re used to eating and still lose weight until we reach the perfect weight for our frame. And then we just hang out there, chillin’ at our ideal weight, sporting our favorite clothes and looking damn good while doing it. No deprivation required.
Here’s why.
When we make the swap from eating low fiber, high fat animal based foods and processed foods to eating high fiber, complex carbohydrate rich plant foods, we end up eating the same amount of food or more, but we eat fewer calories in the process without even trying.
This is because one gram of fat packs
in 9 calories, whereas one gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories.
Our body tells us to stop eating based on the weight of each meal, not the calories consumed in each meal.
Since the Whole-Food Plant-Based diet is focused around complex carbohydrates, not fat (like diets that incorporate animal based foods and processed foods), we can eat until we’re satisfied, never count calories or macronutrients and still lose weight. This is because we’re eating the same amount of food but consuming less calories naturally.
When we eat whole plant foods weight loss is almost automatic.
Here’s another thing to keep in mind. The foods that help us easily loose and maintain a healthy weight and keep it off are the same foods that lower cholesterol and blood pressure, give us protection from chronic illness and disease, makes our skin glow and boost our immune system.
If you’re ready for your weight loss journey to be easier, join us, and get ready for some massive shifts.
Have you been on diet after diet? Talk to us in the comments below!
- 1 cup of dried fruit I used 1/2 cup cherries / 80 g and 1/2 cup raisins / 70 g
- ½ cup dried, pitted dates 95 g
- 1 ¼ cups rolled oats 120 g
- 1 cup walnuts 100 g
- 1 cup dried unsweetened coconut flakes or shreds 40 g
- ¼ cup ground flaxseeds 20 g
- 2 tablespoons creamy almond butter
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 pinch salt (optional)
- Place the dried fruit and the dates into your food processor and pulse a few times to chop everything up. Add the rest of the ingredients and process for a minute or so until everything is well combined.
- Transfer the mixture into an 8-inch glass dish and firmly press the mixture into the dish so it’s packed down and even. Tip: Use a flat bottomed glass to help pack it firmly in place.
- Cover the dish and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
- Store in the fridge and cut pieces as you want to eat them, or cut them into small squares and store them already cut in a sealed container.
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