Posts by Molly Patrick
Awkward Plant Based Eating In Hong Kong + Pineapple Curry
Have you ever been in a situation where from your perspective something bad was happening but you had to pretend that everything was hunky fucking dory so you didn’t come off as a total asshole? I’ve had a few of those, but there’s one in particular that I want to share with you.
Read MoreReversing Pre-Diabetes With A Plant Based Diet. Stephen Rocked It! + Steel Cut Oats With Date Syrup Recipe
There’s not a fine line, there’s a line the size of the Grand fucking Canyon between losing weight when one is already healthy, and losing weight to save one’s life.
Read MoreDiets Don’t Work and Can Go Kiss My Ass + Green Chili Mac and Cheese
I say be your own expert. Do what makes you happy, fall madly in love with yourself, eat what makes you grounded and screw the rest of ‘em.
Read MoreEnding The Faux Meat Debate + Whole-Food Plant-Based Sweet Tomato Bisque
When I hear people spouting attitude about faux meat it drives me batty so I’m ending the debate on faux meat. Whether it’s from the school of thought that faux meat is too much like the real thing and the whole reason for going vegan is to stop eating meat and anything reminiscent of meat. Or the campers who see faux meat as being a poor substitution for “real food”.
Read MoreTransitioning From Vegan to Whole-Food-Plant-Based + Brown Rice and Bean Bowl
FACT: I like to swear.
FACT: If I could have lunch with Marc Maron I would never complain again in my whole life.
FACT: I’ve never eaten meat in my life.
I’m not abstinent from meat because I’m a raging PETA fanatic (I’m definitely not), but because my mom and dad raised me vegetarian and it just stuck.
How To Heal Your Body Through Food + Baked Tofu Caesar Sandwich
A guy goes to see his doctor because he’s having trouble breathing. He also has a cough that won’t go away and he gets winded easily.
The doctor asks him if he smokes. Dude says yes, for the past 32 years. The doctor writes a prescription for a heavy duty cough syrup, doesn’t mention the smoking and sends dude on his way. Dude goes home, takes some cough syrup and lights up.
How I Got Over My Fear of Public Speaking + Creamy Leek Asparagus Soup
There were actual beads of sweat on my palms, my stomach was in knots and I wanted to run to the bathroom and throw up. But instead, I hesitantly slipped into my public speaking class. I didn’t even have to give a speech that day. Our teacher was only going to announce the dates that each of us would be making our first speech.
Read MoreThe Less Talked About Reality of Traveling to Exotic Places + The Best, Most Hearty Salad in the World
I was never the type of person who went backpacking through Europe, took a year off from college to study abroad or booked a solo adventure through Southeast Asia. I wanted to do all this stuff but I never had the finances or the balls. So naturally, I harbored feelings of pure envy for people who went on these grand adventures, while I was left to my imagination to paint a picture of exactly how cool their trip would be and more importantly, how badass they would look with their cool pack, bandana wrapped head, tiedye scarf and rugged but cute sandals.
Read MoreSlather Yourself With Love + How To Cook Quinoa Perfectly (and what to do with it)
Have you ever met one of those people who you HAVE to keep looking at? It’s not necessarily because they’re Tyra Banks hot, it’s because their confidence is unwavering and there’s an essence about them that pulls you in just like McDonald’s Playland hypnotizes little kids. (Fucking McDonald’s).
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