What to Do When You Can’t Get Certain Whole-Food Plant-Based Ingredients + Sweet Potato Flatbread (oil-free)

Sweet Potato Flatbread (oil-free) What to Do When You Can't Get Certain Whole Food Plant Based Ingredients

By Molly Patrick
Oct 17, 2020,

A whole-food plant-based way of eating is made up of whole plant foods (veggies, fruit, beans, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds) and some minimally processed plant foods, like tofu, whole grain bread, and soy milk to name a few. Animal based foods and overly processed foods (like oil and packaged snacks) are avoided when eating this way. 

Because this way of eating focuses on whole plant foods, you will naturally end up cooking your own meals from scratch instead of going out to eat or buying pre-cooked frozen meals. Following our weekly Plant Fueled Meal Plans is perfect for this because we tell you exactly what to buy and what to cook so you have yummy and diverse meals throughout the week. 

But what happens if you’re following this way of eating and you can’t easily find or afford a certain ingredient? Should you just avoid that ingredient altogether? Should you find a substitution? Should you try to find it online? Should you make your own? 

It all depends on the ingredient, your unique set of circumstances, and your reasons for eating this way. What I do know is there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. 

Here’s a real example from my life. 

Let’s just say I was craving a bomb-diggity burrito stuffed with refried beans and veggies and cheesy sauce goodness—because who doesn’t crave a bean burrito on the REGULAR? Let’s pretend I couldn’t find oil-free, gluten-free (I can’t eat gluten right now because of my skin), whole-grain tortillas where I live (we actually don’t have to pretend because I’ve looked everywhere and these do not exist on Maui). 

Given my very first world conundrum, I would have a few choices: 

  • I could blanch a couple of collard green leaves and use that as a tortilla. 
  • I could turn my burrito into a bowl and skip the tortilla altogether. 
  • I could make my own tortillas from scratch, or make something similar (like today’s recipe). 
  • I could buy whatever gluten-free, vegan tortillas I could find and not worry about the oil (most tortillas are naturally vegan). 
  • I could skip making a burrito and eat something else instead (what? Not happening).

My decision would be based on a few different factors. 

Do I currently have some collard greens in my fridge that I could blanch? 
If I did, I would probably do this because it wouldn’t require a trip to the grocery store. 

Do I feel like eating a burrito wrapped in a collard leaf or as a bowl? 
Sometimes I really do, and sometimes I want to sink my teeth into a tortilla because it’s super satisfying. 

Have I been skimping on the leafy greens lately?  
If I haven’t been eating as many salads or greens as usual, I would blanch a couple collard greens and give my body some extra nourishment.

Do I have the time to make my own tortillas? 
If this was really important to me or I felt like spending extra time in the kitchen, I would find the time, otherwise, I would just buy some vegan gluten-free tortillas, even if they do have some oil in them. 

Am I having someone over for lunch who follows a strict whole-food plant-based diet because of food addiction, heart concerns, or wanting to lose weight? 
If I was, I would definitely blanch some collard greens for our burritos because that is the most nutrient-dense option. 

These are some of the factors that would play into my decision about how whole-food plant-based to go if the ingredient I’m looking for (in this case, tortillas) isn’t available. The factors for you will be different because you have a different set of circumstances to work with. 

One of the reasons it’s easy for me to stick to this way of eating is because sometimes, I don’t.

I never eat meat, dairy, or eggs because I really don’t want to and it never even crosses my mind as an option, but I do allow for some wiggle room when it comes to oil (and the occasional vegan, gluten-free donut). 

For me, there’s an ease that comes with being able to color outside of the lines a little. But for some people, this is not possible because even a little oil or a bite of a vegan donut can lead to binge eating. This is how I am with alcohol. I can’t drink a drop if I want to stay sober, so I have to set and follow very strict boundaries. I don’t have that reaction with food, so, for me, this works. 

We all have to do what works best for us. Not because it’s the “right” choice. Not because it’s what other people are doing. Not because a book or a blog said it was the best.

Because of all the humans alive on this planet, you are the very best one to decide what is right for you.

Sweet Potato Flatbread (oil-free) What to Do When You Can't Get Certain Whole Food Plant Based Ingredients

Sweet Potato Flatbread (oil-free)

Makes 6 7-inch flatbreads
Author: Molly Patrick


  • 4 cups sweet potato, peeled and cut into ½" cubes (about 3 medium-sized sweet potatoes) (540 g)
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour (240 g)
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper (about 20 turns)
  • ½ teaspoon dried basil
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder


  • Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats and set aside for now.
  • Place the sweet potato cubes in a large stockpot, along with 4 cups of water (945 ml) and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 6–8 minutes, until the sweet potatoes are soft.
  • Transfer the sweet potato cubes to a strainer and discard the water. Then, transfer the potato cubes back to the pot and allow to cool for 10 minutes. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, pepper, basil, and garlic powder. Set aside for now. Using a large fork or potato masher, mash your sweet potatoes until there are no lumps of potato.
  • Add the mashed sweet potato to the flour mixture and mix until a soft dough forms. This will take a few minutes. Start by using a spoon to stir and mash until everything is combined, then use your hands to knead it into a ball of dough. Don’t knead for long—just enough for the dough to come together.
  • Divide the dough evenly into 6 pieces (each weighing 120–130g) and roll each piece into a ball and set on a plate.
  • Sprinkle some flour on your counter and then, one at a time, take each ball of dough and gently flatten them onto the floured surface. Then, with a rolling pin, roll each one out to about 1/4 inch thick and 7 inches across (as best you can; don’t fret if it’s not exact). Carefully transfer each rolled out piece onto the baking sheets and cover with parchment paper so they don’t dry out.
  • Heat a large cast iron or stainless steel skillet over medium heat for 2 minutes and then place one flatbread in the skillet at a time and cook on each side for 2–3 minutes, until each one is cooked and has some brown spots on either side.
  • Cool the flatbread on a cooling rack and then place in a container and store any leftovers in the fridge.


Feel free to use gluten-free flour instead of whole wheat flour.

Get a weekly dose of inspiration to eat more plants and celebrate imperfection

Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.


  1. Brandie Foster on October 17, 2020 at 9:38 am

    Can you freeze these? And would it work with any gluten free flour? Like brown rice flour? Thanks!!

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl on October 17, 2020 at 10:25 am

      Hi Brandie – these should freeze just fine! You’ll want to use a gluten-free mix that meant for baking. ~Karen

  2. Kate on October 17, 2020 at 10:23 am

    Love this post, Molly … right with you each morning feeling the feels. Some call this meeting our “shadow,” while others describe it as facing our inner “monsters” and discovering they’re just big puff balls wearing pink nail polish. The one book that helped me practice this in earnest has one of my all-time favorite titles ever: “What’s In The Way IS The Way,” written by Mary O’Malley. She nails it on every single page.

    Sending healing energy & love to Panther and his family who are taking such good care of him …

  3. Kate on October 17, 2020 at 10:24 am

    Obviously I’m responding to your email today leading to this blog and not this actual blog post!!

  4. Laura Walker on October 17, 2020 at 10:43 am

    Love this post! I tell people whenever they ask, I’m gluten and dairy free because of allergies, Whole Foods for health benefits and animal free as an ethical choice (and for health benefits but thats too wordy)… If I’m in a situation where I need to choose, I don’t really have wiggle room on the gluten and dairy but the rest of it is up to me. I have not eaten an animal product in over a year now, but I have allowed myself some oil or refined sugar when it makes my life easier, etc.

    This is the most freedom I’ve ever felt regarding food and most people look at me like I have way too many restrictions. But I don’t feel that at all. The gluten thing sucks but I think it keeps me honest. Lol. So many traps are excluded right there, so ultimately I think I’m better off. But yea, I allow myself to be perfectly imperfect.

  5. Marilyn on October 17, 2020 at 11:15 am

    Very nicely said.

  6. David Bentley on October 17, 2020 at 6:32 pm

    What syncronicity!Thank you! I was away from home this weekend and knew I was going to be in a small town all day Saturday. I had some salad dressing with me that I made with tahini, balsamic vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, srirachi, and water, and decided to look for a salad for lunch. When lunchtime came, I went into a small grocery store deli. They had a to-go salad bowl with mixed greens, tomatoes, and cucumbers. They also had some roasted curried veggies (beets, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, and chickpeas). While the veggies were not swimming in oil, I’m sure they were roasted with at least a heafty drizzle of oil. So I decided to buy some of those to go on my salad anyway. Then I asked the clerk if I could buy about a quarter teaspoon of curry powder. She talked to her manager and brought me some curry powder in a plastic soufle cup and said there would be no charge for that. At the park I ate a big ass salad with curried roasted veggies and added some curry powder to my dressing. It wasn’t “perfect”, but it was okay for me today, and much better for me than the fried chicken strips and jojo’s the guy in front of me ordered. Meanwhile, some friends are cooking dinner for me tonight, and they are vegans who understand that I don’t use sugar, oil, or salt. Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful!

  7. LisaRose on October 17, 2020 at 9:16 pm

    Hi there.

    Can these sweet potato flatbreads be made with fresh basil?

    Thanks for all you do!

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl - Steph on October 18, 2020 at 9:49 am

      Hi LisaRose! Absolutely! You won’t need as much fresh basil since it will have a stronger flavor. Feel free to experiment and make it your own. Happy eating! <3 Stephanie

  8. Mimi Nieman on October 20, 2020 at 3:44 am

    Please keep us posted on Panther!

  9. Niki on October 20, 2020 at 4:15 am

    5 stars
    This sweet potato flatbread is amazing and so versatile!

  10. Lauren on October 21, 2020 at 6:58 am

    5 stars
    So yummy! Perfect with the black bean hummus from a recent post. If I were to use canned pumpkin, how much should I use? Or perhaps canned pumpkin – I’ve been scheming about making a sweet version, too.

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl on October 21, 2020 at 7:24 am

      Hi Lauren, an equal amount of canned pumpkin should work the same, though we haven’t tested it. Let us know if you try it! ~Karen

  11. Jill on October 22, 2020 at 10:46 pm

    5 stars
    Love the ways we can use these tubers! Yumx
    Question-what age did you begin this plant journey?!?!

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl - Steph on October 23, 2020 at 9:15 am

      Hi Jill!

      Molly’s been vegetarian her whole life and stopped eating animal products altogether in 2008. She and her wife Luanne started Clean Food Dirty Girl a few years later hoping to encourage and support more people in making the plant-based transition. Thanks for stopping by!

      xo Stephanie

  12. Jan Ahmed on November 27, 2020 at 3:10 pm

    Is this sweet potato flat bread closer to the texture and feel of Roti or Tortillas? Can you make a rap with them or are they used like you would use Roti? Everytime I try to make flat bread, it does not come out flexible enough to roll like a tortilla and I am wondering if I am doing something wrong or is it just the bread?

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl on November 28, 2020 at 2:17 pm

      Hi Jan – it’s more roti-style. I checked with Molly and she says that you could try to roll it out thinner and it may work as a wrap, but she hasn’t tried it. Let us know if you try it. Thanks for stopping by. ~Karen

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