Try Clean Food Dirty Girl Free for 10 days!
By Molly Patrick
Sep 1, 2022,
By Molly Patrick
Sep 1, 2022,
Picture it. You’re in line at the grocery store, and the person in front of you starts putting their groceries onto the conveyor belt.
They pile up fresh produce, bursting with all the colors of the rainbow—fruit and veggies galore. They add bags of whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and spices.
As you scope out the healthy abundance, you think:
Wow! What will they do with all of that?
How does it get from their grocery cart to their mouth?
Can that human really eat all those fresh ingredients before they go bad?
Could my grocery cart ever look like that?
Will I ever be someone who feels the effect of those healthy ingredients?
First of all, we should never compare ourselves to other shoppers in the grocery store. Second, we’re human…so we’re probably gonna keep doing it anyway.
The groceries we buy matter
I understand being in awe, jealous, curious, and impressed with shopping carts full of healthy ingredients.
It happened to me the other day WITH MY OWN CART. As I made my way to the checkout line, I looked down at my cart, and it looked like an actual garden.
Bright green kale, long green onions, round yellow squash, bright red radishes, yellow mangoes and papaya, delicate watercress, red leaf lettuce, collard greens, bright red tomatoes, mint, basil, cilantro, broccoli, and sprouts.
As I looked at all the freshness, I thought, I can’t believe I’m going to eat all of this. It’s a damn good thing I have Clean Food Dirty Girl to help.
Before I started eating a whole-food plant-based diet and cooking all my own food, my grocery shopping looked very different.
I bought the same things week after week: bread, cheese, creamer, yogurt, tortillas, cottage cheese, canned or boxed soup, salad dressing, cookies, salsa, canned beans, maybe some apples or oranges, lettuce, potatoes, and cucumbers.
It’s not that I never spent time in the kitchen, I definitely did. But I didn’t cook. I simply put things together.
It’s not bad or wrong, but if you’re used to putting things together in the kitchen, the focus isn’t on whole ingredients (like broccoli, kale, and pinto beans). The focus is on put-together-for-you ingredients (like boxed soup, crackers, and cheese).
So what’s the problem? Why focus on whole ingredients when you could take a faster approach and simply put things together?
Because eating whole plant foods fills you with life, zest, energy, and mental clarity. It is the most nutrient-rich, fiber-filled way to eat on the planet. Eating this way can help people reverse type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It strengthens the immune system and creates a healthy gut environment. It helps you reach a healthy weight for your frame. It can fill you with joy and quite literally change your life. It also satisfies you on a cellular level.
Clean Food Dirty Girl is here to help
If you want to be a badass and fill your grocery cart with colorful whole plant foods and then cook and eat those foods, we can help.
We’ll show you exactly what to buy and how to prepare everything. I’ll even coach you along the way. We also guide you on how to cook food that you can then put together during the week!
Nothing is more empowering than looking down at your healthy groceries and thinking: I’m going to eat all of this! Me! I’m going to make that happen! Try our free 10-day trial of Clean Food Dirty Girl and get ready to impress and amaze yourself. No credit card or perfection required.
I love everything about Clean Food Dirty Girl. I have come from cooking out of a box to gourmet meals every single night!”
Tammy Jones
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