Traveling While Plant Based and Gluten-Free in Namibia: Part Two


By Molly Patrick
May 7, 2022,

It’s so much easier to sit in a car for hours at a time when the body is stretched and rolled out. This is my maintenance wherever I go.

The next place we stayed was called Halali Resort, also in Etosha National Park. This place only had a few guests, and it was pretty run down. Like everywhere else, Covid-19 took a huge toll on tourism, and travelers were only starting to increase. A lot of places we stayed were deserted.

The room had a kettle, so I boiled some water and made a cup of miso broth. This felt like a luxury!
My steady snack and sometimes lunch.
We lucked out with this room! It came with an electric burner that was attached to a toaster oven. It was time to make the broccoli I had been hauling around forever!
I’d never seen burners attached to a toaster oven before, but apparently, it’s a thing!
Back to basics. I used bottled water for cooking.
Steamed broccoli with Coconut Aminos and some baked beans. This was a really satisfying meal.
I waited to eat this as long as possible because I only had one, and I wanted to savor it. Hot oatmeal never tasted so good.
Plum for the road! Off to our next destination.

Another stop right outside Etosha National Park, Onguma Tented Camp, was our favorite accommodation of the whole trip. We stayed in their tented camp area. It’s glamping at its best. This wasn’t a fenced area, so the animals were free to roam. There was a watering hole near our tent where we saw wildebeest, oryx, springbok, and lots of different birds throughout the day. Zebras, giraffes, and lions occasionally drank there, but we didn’t see any.

HOWEVER! One night, we woke up to the sound of a freaking lion. It was a very low and intense growl, and it didn’t sound far away. Luanne and I shot straight up in bed, our hearts beating quickly. We looked at each other, and both whispered, “Lion.” We laid back down and heard it again. This time it sounded even closer.

I had never been so aware of the material that stood between me and outside. If that lion was hungry, it could have easily gotten into our tent and had us as a snack. I didn’t sleep well for the rest of the night, and I fully understood why guests weren’t allowed to leave their tent after dark, not even to sit on the porch.

Our beautiful tent for the three-day stay.
The porch.
The view of the watering hole from our tent.
Wildebeest having a drink.

Click on the number 5 below to get to the next page.

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Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.


  1. Julia W on May 9, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    Wow! Love it! I heard your podcast and the story of the zebra peeing for 7 minutes. Not to be a weirdo, but I wish you had a video of that lol.

    • Julia W on May 9, 2022 at 12:07 pm

      Not zebra, giraffe! I can’t edit my comment.

  2. Sarah P on May 11, 2022 at 6:10 am

    How Absolutely wonderful to have you take the time to share your trip with us! Your photos are beyond divine especially that beautiful woman with her majestic smile. Love your attitude and gratitude. 💜💙❤️

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