20: Sam Smith’s Plant Based Transition – The Challenges and Wins
In this episode I talk to a fabulous human from our community, Sam Smith. Sam transitioned to a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet 5 years ago on the recommendation of her doctor. We talk about her journey to health, raising plant based kids, how her meat and dairy loving husband also transitioned to plants, and why eating…
Read More19: What I Do When I Miss Drinking
I haven’t had a drink in almost 7 years and sometimes I still crave it. In this episode I share what I do when these cravings and urges come up. About Clean Food Dirty Girl helps people eat more plants while celebrating human imperfection. Subscribe to our podcast for plant based eating inspiration and permission…
Read More18: Managing Type 1 Diabetes With A Plant Based Diet with Tessa & Steve Decker
In this episode I chat with Tessa and Steve Decker on how they manage his Type 1 Diabetes with a low fat whole-food plant-based diet and our meal plans. This is a fantastic episode to share with anyone who is type 1 diabetic. This episode was originally posted on our blog as a video chat.…
Read More17: Molly & Luanne Laugh With Their Personal Trainer, Kim Ciser
In this episode, Luanne and I talk to our friend / personal trainer Kim Ciser. When the three of us get together we talk a lot of shit, we laugh constantly, and we reflect on how much Luanne and I dislike working out, this episode is no different. We also touch on Kim’s training philosophy,…
Read More16: Dr Stephan Esser on Bone Health, Inflammation & the Immune System
In this episode, I chat with plant based advocate, Dr. Esser about ALL the things: bone health, inflammation, immune system, why the healthcare system is the way it is, his stint with American Idol, why he dropped out of medical school, why he went back – it was one my favorite conversations with a plant…
Read More15: Batch Cooking, A Non-Negotiable
In this episode I talk about non-negotiables and why they are so important. I share some of my non-negotiables and tell you all about one of my favorites, batch cooking. About Clean Food Dirty Girl helps people eat more plants while celebrating human imperfection. Subscribe to our podcast for plant based eating inspiration and permission…
Read More14: Eating Plant Based For Yourself
In this episode, I talk about how I peed in my kayak on a recent kayak outing. Please note, if the nice family who saw me squatting on the front of my kayak taking a massive pee listens to this episode, I know you can’t unsee that. And for that, I am forever sorry!!! In…
Read More13: Super Easy Tips For Eating More Plants
In this episode I give you some super easy tips for getting more plants into your pie hole. Because I’ve never eaten meat in my life (due to my hippie upbringing), non-meat eating has been my jam literally my whole life. In this episode I give you practical advice about how to eat more plant…
Read More12: Plant Based Eating Improves Anna Oplocki’s Mental Health
In this episode, I chat with Anna who was struggling with anxiety and depression. While we hear a lot about the metabolic health benefits of eating plants, we don’t hear much about the potential impact of plant based eating on mental health. The experience of many, including Anna is that adopting a whole-food plant-based diet…
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