A Bedtime Story for You and Your Body

Your precious body allows you to have a human experience.  It is how you are able to move through this world.  It is your gracious, patient, accommodating host, and you are its guest.  From birth until death it is your companion.  Sleeping, walking, breathing, bathing, crying, cooking, eating, peeing, reading, creating.  Your body is there…

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The Magic Room + Rosemary Maple Roasted Squash & Brussels Sprouts

healthy rosemary maple roasted squash brussels sprouts

Do you know what it takes to flood your body with fancy-sounding nutrients, like isothiocyanates, phenolics, and carotenoids, that in my mind sound like they definitely belong in a porn movie?  It takes eating food that grows in the ground of the very thing that gives us life: planet Earth. I’m talkin’ veggies, fruits, beans,…

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Why I was Scared to Start a Podcast

clean food dirty girl podcast

Well, I did it. I finally started a podcast. As discussed in episode one, there were a few reasons why I was resistant: I don’t like the sound of my voice. There are already a lot of podcasts out there. I thought people might not like me anymore once they heard my podcast. These were…

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Real Talk—I Love Vegan Butter

Molly Patrick Whole Food Plant Based

I don’t eat a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet 100% of the time. I have vegan butter in my fridge that I put on toast.When I go out to eat, I don’t worry about the oil.If there’s a vegan, gluten-free cookie / cake / donut / muffin in my presence, I will usually eat it. My house…

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