My Un-Advice To You + Minty Green Cacao Smoothie Recipe

Do you ever feel bombarded with healthy eating advice? Because I do. And today I can’t bring myself to give you any. As I’m writing this it’s 5:53am on Wednesday and I’ve been up for over an hour trying to decide on a topic to titillate you with. I have a list of drafts up in my google drive as long as your small intestines (seriously, the small intestines is like 20 feet long. Creepy that it all fits in so nicely).

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Tips For Adding More Healthy Foods Into Your Diet: The Basics + Mushroom Walnut Paté

It’s pretty much established that incorporating more whole plant foods into the diet is a good thing and we should do as much of it as possible. The memo has been sent out, Office Space style and mot people are on the same page. After the memo has been read and understood the next step is to take action. And what I’ve noticed is that people tend to overthink the action part.

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7 Scripts for What to Say When People Hate on Your Diet + The Best Vegan Tuna Salad Recipe

I could spend all day at our private Facebook group. From an onslaught of #shittyfoodpics, to relationship advice, people are connecting over all kinds of topics. It’s an awesome group of people, and there is ZERO preachy, judge-y, holier than thou stuff going on. Because people know I won’t put up with that baloney. No one should ever be made to feel bad about what they put in their mouth. Whether it’s a juicy burger, or a vegan version of that burger.

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The Coconut Oil Debate. Are You Confused Too? + Western Samoan Inspired Coconut Chard

Did you know that coconut water is so close in structure to human plasma that in an emergency it can be given intravenously into the bloodstream? If anything, this is a perfect golden nugget for trivia night. Just don’t drink so much before the game actually starts that you have to go to the car and go night night (I have NO experience with this.) Today I’m not talking about coconut water or drunk mishaps (as fun as those are). I’m talking about coconut oil, because who’s not confused by the shit?

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Suzanne Somers’ Boobs + THE Best Vegan Burger Recipe for Meat Eaters

My parents were hippies, and they didn’t want my young brain filled with TV. So I listened to movies and stories on vinyl (Annie was my all time fave, and The Velveteen Rabbit made me cry each and every time); I painted rocks that I would later sell to my neighbors; I played hide and seek outside until dark with my best friend, and if I was lucky my mom or dad would bring me home an Archie comic book.

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