Posts by Molly Patrick
My Apology on Behalf of Preachy Judgmental Vegans + Cucumber Pasta Recipe
Vegans like this think that people don’t like them because they’re vegan, but they’re wrong. People don’t like them because they make anyone who isn’t 100% vegan feel like they just ripped Bambi’s heart out with their bare fucking hands.
Read MoreEngaging in Self-Defeating Behavior + Easy Classic Hummus Recipe
Brace yourself, today’s fuckery is like dessert at a hippie festival – raw with a hint of sweet at the end. I have a set of early memories that are hard to explain, but I’m going to try. This was after my parents moved us out of the teepee and into the adobe house that the two of them built by hand, so I must have been around three years old. (You read that right I lived in a teepee when I was little. No shit.)
Read MoreThe Secret to Enjoying the Little Things in Life + Easy Plant Based Protein Bar
Do you ever wish you could be one of those people who truly enjoys the little things in life? This version of you might have a homemade quilt in your bedroom that says Find Bliss in the Small things, a Pinterest board called It’s the Small Shit That Counts, and a bumper sticker that reads Honk for the Tiny Moments.
Read More6 Common Reasons Why People Don’t Eat Healthier and What To Do About It + Plant Based Ginger Almond Pad Thai
Have you ever noticed that the time leading up to something challenging sucks way harder than actually doing it? Let me paint an example for your brain. Right now it’s 12:41 pm on Wednesday and my Bikram yoga class starts in 4 hours and 49 minutes. Do you know what’s going through my mind right now? — Ways I can get out of going to class.
Read MoreEver Used Pants As a Blanket? It’s All About Small Steps For Big Change + Simmered Sweet Potatoes
Have you ever thrown a big get together at your house and then went to sleep before the party was over? Maybe it was last weekend. There was plenty to celebrate last weekend! In today’s fuckery let’s say you did throw a party at your house and you woke up to a hot mess. Let’s go there now.
Read MoreTips For Eating A Plant Based Diet + Super Easy Nori Hand Rolls
The year was 1990 and I was 10 years old. It was the middle of summer and the New Mexico heat was baking me, not unlike the baked potatoes that my mom was making for dinner that night. And then THIS happened.
Read MoreTips for Eating More Plant Based Regardless of Your Current Diet + Mint Mango and Black Bean Quinoa Salad
We create our reality with every choice we make. I’ve made some shitty choices, that’s for sure. The time in high school when my best friend and I made a beer bong and then used it while we were driving. That wasn’t a good choice. The time I decided to spend a summer in Alaska working at a Salmon cannery, canning dead salmon for 12 hours a day. That wasn’t good.
Read MoreThree Things: How To Make Plant Based Eating Easier + Perfect Vegetable Stock/Broth
Eating. What a personal and emotional thing. It’s something that every single one of us must do, yet there are endless ways of how to go about doing it. Get cozy, today’s fuckery is filled with awesome nuggets aplenty.
Read MoreHealthy Carbs To Add To Your Diet + Insane Oil Free Pesto Crostini
I think people are confused about a lot of things. And rightfully so. There’s a lot going on in the world and the speediness at which information is dispersed and distributed is shocking. Information is more accessible now than it ever has been. I’m convinced that humans living longer and longer is evolutions handy work to make up for all the moments of our lives that are lost to screens.
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