These Meal Plans have changed my life!

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Plant Based Meal Plans have changed my life!

I was trying to transition myself and my husband to a plant-based diet for a solid year before trying the meal plans. I had read all the books and knew it was the best thing for our health, but I really struggled with making satisfying meals.

Meal planning and cooking every night was overwhelming and seemed to take so much of my time. I’m the type of person that feels like if I can do it myself, I should do it myself. However, I constantly felt like I needed a break from eating healthy, and I knew I needed something more sustainable. That is when I decided to try the Trial Plan.

These Meal Plans have changed my life!

I spend an average of three hours a week making delicious food that feeds my husband and me all week These Meals Plans have changed my life! long. I never have to think twice about what’s for dinner, and we never have the desire to eat away from home because the food is better than anything we get when we go out.

I get to fill my cart with a variety of plants every week knowing that we are going to eat every last bite of them, and that nourishes my soul.

Your Meal Plans have given me freedom. I have learned to trust Team Dirty and 100% rely on your Meal Plans. Since starting, I have not eaten a single animal product! I have gone back to school for my accounting degree, and started running (including a marathon) and gardening.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this amazing service you provide. Clean Food Dirty Girl is a company that is honest, kind, detailed, and forward-thinking. Beyond the personal benefit, I couldn’t be more proud to support your company.

Megan Lockhart

Illinois, USA

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