Why I Give Exactly Zero Fucks About What People Think About my Language + La Farinata

By Molly Patrick
Jun 10, 2014,
By Molly Patrick
Jun 10, 2014,
I have some super dirty laundry that’s begging to be aired out.
This is like a week of backpacking in Moab type of laundry. The stank is pretty ripe.
I want to share an interaction that I had with one of my (ex) readers after he received my email last Saturday
Here’s the thing.
When my day job fell apart in December 2013, I made the decision to start my own business and create the kind of job that I am PUMPED to go to every day. I was done getting permission, running things past people, waiting on other people to give me the green light, and most of all, always censoring myself and my work.
I wanted the freedom to say what I wanted to say, and more importantly, say it EXACTLY how I wanted to say it.
And that’s exactly what I’ve done and will continue to do.
Because you know what, sugar lips?
I fucking LOVE the job that I’ve created for myself.
I love helping people eat better, I love creating healthy yummy recipes, I love writing to my people in a way that’s real, direct and no-bullshit.
I love every aspect of what I do and I will NEVER change the way that I put my work out to the world in order to make someone else feel better or more comfortable.
There are literally thousands of blogs and websites out there with very helpful and polite language about eating healthier.
My voice, my point of view, my experiences, my language and my history are what sets me apart from everyone else. I create and put my work out to the world as if it’s for my very best friend. My best friend can vouch for me on this. I talk like a sailor.
If I censored myself to make people feel more at ease, I may as well quit what I’m doing and go work for someone else and be the puppet employee that I once was.
If you are one of those people who is offended by my language, I’m not mad at you! I’m not for everyone and I totally get that.
I wish you well with your clean eating journey, sans the swear words 🙂
Ok, consider my laundry fresh, cleaned, and aired. Done!
Today I have a gem of a recipe for you that I am currently addicted to.
A version of the recipe below was emailed to me by Stacie Bronson who runs Veg Italy Guide. She and her husband started the blog to help vegans traveling to Italy, navigate the vegan food scene.
The whole-food plant-based recipe below is called La Farinata, a traditional Italian recipe that is naturally vegan and gluten free. It’s eggy and almost bread-like in texture. I put my own little spin on it and it turned out delicious. I have made it several times and it’s the perfect thing to have in the fridge when you want a satisfying snack. I also found that breaking it into pieces and putting it on top of a big green salad is D – to – the – licious.
- 1 cup chickpea flour 110g
- 2 cups water 475ml
- ½ teaspoon salt 4g
- 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
- 1 teaspoon onion powder 4g
- 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary or 1 thinly sliced green onion if you don’t like rosemary
- Preheat oven to 400°.
- In a large mixing bowl, add the chickpea flour, water, salt, nutritional yeast, onion powder and rosemary (or green onions).
- Whisk together until everything is combined.
- Pour the mixture onto a 9×13 inch (32.5x23cm) baking dish.
- Bake for 18 minutes.
- Take out of the oven and cut immediately. You can cut it into however many pieces you like.
- Let cool for a few minutes and then transfer the pieces to a plate and continue to cool for 5-10 minutes.
- Serve as a snack, a tapa, an appetizer, or cut it up and place on top of a big green salad.
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Good for you!
Thank you! xo
Go you! Kevin’s a chump and this recipe looks delicious.
ha! Thank you! Let me know when you make it. xo
That recipe looks good! I will try it soon.
Is this MY Mary Rose?
Tell me if this means anything to you and I’ll know for sure: Apples
I just made this. I added 1/4 tsp of garlic powder and some chives along with the fresh rosemary. It’s a delicious recipe. Thank you so much. It’s also real good pan fried after cooling. Thanks again it’s amazing
Hi Jess – thanks for circling back to me! i love that you love this! Chives and rosemary sound delish. xo
I absolutely love the way you cuss up a storm! I find myself laughing out loud regularly. And sharing what made me laugh. Oh yeah, and the recipes are pretty darn d-to-the- licious.
thank you- I feel that love!! xo
I am a new subscriber ( as of today!!) and I would just like to say that what i have seen so far I really like! I am just curious, however, to know why you use powdered onion and garlic in quite a few recipes. Isn’t it more healthy ( no to mention cheaper) to use fresh garlic and onions. These are two ingredients that you can always find fresh all year round…no?
So happy to have you! Feel free to swap out regular onion and garlic in any recipe. Dried herbs actually have lots of health benefits and if you buy them in bulk, they aren’t that expensive. I like to mix it up. Even if I use regular onion and garlic I still sometimes add garlic or onion powder, just because I like things super flavorful. xo
Definitely trying this recipe! Yummo! Ah, Molly, your hilarious and approachable use of language is one of the main reasons I a. love your blog b. subscribe to your weekly meal plans. You do you boo, I (and many others) luhhve it
Thanks for the love, Felicity!
Is there any way you could make this recipe into crackers??
This was written long before I started my meal plan (which I absolutely adore) but I have to tell you how much it resonates with me. I’ll never change for anyone again and feel wonderful about it. My daughter needs to see it so she feels empowered to stand up for herself and not deal with what I did for so long. Thank you for all your strength and joy. It helps more than you know xo
This is awesome. Thanks for reading and sharing, Heather!
Team Dirty Girl
Just made this recipe. I’ve been curious about Socca for a long time and this obviously is a close relative, so I gave it a try. Rather a hilarious outcome, so I have a question or two:
Thanks for giving measurements in grams, so much easier for dry ingredients. However, 20 grams of nutritional yest (at least what I have on hand) was WAY MORE than 2 tablespoons! Must have been about half a cup. I compromised by using 3 T of nutritional yeast. I don’t know how/if it affected the texture of the finished product (flavor was good), which leads to…
My 9 x 13 pan is usually used for roasting vegetables, so kinda of dark and funky looking. I decided to line it with parchment paper, not realizing the dough was actually going to be a liquid batter – due to my yeast compromise, or is that the way it should be? Soon after removing the baked product from the oven, I realized that the product was going to stick like crazy to the parchment, so I pulled the whole thing out of the pan, flipped it over, and attempted to pull the paper of the back/bottom. You can imagine the mess, but I successfully saved about half of it.
So, is the finished product supposed to be sort of soft and spongy, or did I not cook it long enough? And what about the nutritional yeast measurement? Tablespoons or grams? Gotta say, the texture and flavor are appealing, but I suspect undercooked in my case. I’ll give it another go when I know which measurement to use for the nutritional yeast,
THANK YOU! I never would have gotten around to trying this or something like it without your wonderful blog, FB page, and energetic support of all us WFPBNO’s.
Hi Laurie, Thanks for love and pointing out that gram measurement. I checked with Molly and it probably should be 2 grams and not 20 so we’ve taken that out altogether for now, just go with tablespoons. And yes, the batter is thin. This is a soft and spongy dish – it will get a bit harder as it sets but it is soft bread-like. I’m glad you were able to salvage a lot of it – not sure why the parchment paper was problematic for you. ~Karen
TWO grams! Of course! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Anyway, 3 T worked well for flavor this time. I’ll try it again with more “additions” and in a pan without the parchment. Sounds as though mine came out about the right texture – maybe just a little undercooked. I am pretty sure the problem with the parchment is that I used a piece that just fit the bottom of the pan, so some of the very runny batter migrated underneath, sort of baking the paper inside part of the Farinata… more on one end of the pan than the other, since my pan was somewhat uneven, too. Kind’a sounds like it might be time for a new pan, doesn’t it.
Thanks for the response. I will not be deterred!
Ok, good! Yes, even adding that extra amount shouldn’t have affected the recipe, Molly’s ingredients can usually withstand liberal changes based on what you have on hand and personal preference. Next time you make this it will be a much better experience, I am sure of it. As much as we hold on to old cookware there does come a time when pieces need to be retired – I use a glass dish mostly and it cleans up nice and doesn’t bend either 🙂 – my cookie sheets sure do though.
You know what Molly Patrick? You are one class act. I love the way you spoke your truth without being a dick; you didn’t sink to Kevin’s level and insult his intelligence for signing up for a sweaty newsletter when he is easily offended by swearing, you told him that you would not honor his request and told him how to unsubscribe. That’s how it’s done. Thanks for sharing this interaction! It was a great example of how to respond when this happens.
I would love to hear what you put on this before you eat it, or do you eat it just plain.
Hi Kathy – Molly says that Lemon Tahini dressing is good on this. Let us know if you try it! ~Karen
I’m here all these years later because Sandrina led me by the nose; I’m going to make the La Farinata to go along side the Moroccan Lentil Stew instead of bread.
As for Kevin, the argument that uttering profanities causes one to appear juvenile and lacking intelligence is worn and old. I’m a pretty smart guy, not book-smart, necessarily, but the kind of person who can figure pretty much anything out and occasionally improve on it. I also swear. So fucking what?.
This recipe is amazing! I remember having socca (Farinata in France) and loving it! Didn’t think I could have a WFPB version and love it just as much. Thanks! <3
What a neat recipe, glad I finally came across it! And you can switch up the herbs for different taste profiles, yum.