Whole Food Plant Based Virgins by Clean Food Dirty Girl

How to Make Blanched Collard Wraps (Video Demo and Recipe)

Be Stronger than Your Excuses—Batch Cooking from a Wheelchair (video chat with Tammy Snowden) + Oil-Free Falafel Patties

The Difference Between Flavor and Taste and Why it Matters + Almond Taco Filling

How to Find Your Joy in Eating + Plant Based Cheddar Sauce (nut free)

Eating Plant Based When Traveling: Utah and Arizona

The Ultimate Whole-Food Plant-Based Trader Joe’s Grocery List + How to Cook Spaghetti Squash (Instant Pot and Oven Directions)

Should You Eat Food that Has Been Left Out All Night? + Oil-free Baba Ganoush

Sample Plant Based Grocery List Clean Food Dirty Girl

Plant Based Grocery List: Pantry Basics

Dirty Girl Betty Haynes Went from Eating Meat, Dairy and Processed Food to Loving Plants (Video)

Tons of whole food plant based recipes, resources, guides and programs to help you on your journey to no longer be a plant based virgin.

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