Whole Food Plant Based Oil Free Recipes by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Perspective by Lyndsey Hafer-Williams + Scrambled Tofu on Toast (no oil)

Fear by Lyndsey Hafer-Williams + Dirty Girl Whole-Food Plant-Based Popcorn (oil and butter free)

Freedom by Lyndsey Hafer-Williams + Whole-Food Plant-Based Almond Butter Chocolate Chia Pudding

Dirty Girl Amanda Dohrwardt Turns Her Life Around After Her MS Diagnosis + Plant Based Pineapple Fried Rice (oil free)

The Day Might Come When You Miss Craving Crappy Food + Oil Free Chili-Lime Baked Tofu

Reversing Glaucoma by Going Whole-Food Plant-Based. Bettyanne Does It! + Pumpkin Spice Muffins

You Get to Decide How Much You Enjoy the Holidays + Citrus Grain Salad (plant based and oil free)

Here’s To Your Journey With Plants + Whole-Food Plant-Based Sweet Potato Bean Hash (oil free)

Eating Plant Based When Traveling: Arizona and New Mexico – Tips and a Detailed Journal with Pictures + Tamari Roasted Sunflower Seeds

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