Plant Based Couple + Roasted Garlic Lemony Quinoa

roasted garlic lemony quinoa recipe satisfying

Meet the plant based couple: Melinda and Jeff I had the chance to chat with artist Melinda and her trauma surgeon husband Jeff recently. They are an inspirational plant based couple, and I was honored to connect with them.  They had over a decade of experience eating plant based but still faced struggles cooking at…

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Batching Musing + Classic Plant Based Banana Bread (Oil-Free)

banana bread oil free vegan

After you crack up from today’s post, we have a Classic Plant Based Banana Bread (Oil-Free) recipe with your name all over it! Batch cooking is a game-changer for people, especially for people who follow a whole-food plant-based way of eating. I’ve talked a lot about batch cooking on our blog, but today we’re looking…

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Eliminate Dinner Stress in 5 Easy Steps + Salsa Fresca

Salsa Fresca & Eliminate Dinner Stress

Eliminating dinner stress is totally doable, but for many, answering the daily question: What am I making for dinner? turns us into a hot ball of stress—sweaty palms and body odor included. When the clock strikes 3pm, we start making a mental list and asking ourselves many questions: What ingredients do I have in my…

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