Posts by Molly Patrick
Staying Committed When Shit Gets Hard + Whole-Food Plant-Based Curry Tofu with Farro and Broccoli
As I sat in my seat, eyes closed, breathing in and out, trying to stave off a full blown panic attack, I was surprised by my emotions. I have flown to Asia every year for the past 8 years and I have never experienced this amount of fear and anxiety over some turbulence. I sat with that information and pondered until it hit me.
Read MoreClearing Up The Confusion About Oil + Whole-Food Plant-Based Fancy Toast
Nutritionally speaking, if eating a vegan diet is a steamy kiss, eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet is an exploding orgasm, followed by a eating a perfectly ripe peach and then taking a catnap in the sun. If the Vegan diet is having a friend you can laugh with, the Whole-Food Plant-Based diet is having a friend you can fart with.
Read MoreWhat is WFPB? + Perfectly Roasted Potatoes with No Oil
Have you ever seen this: WFPB And thought to yourself, what the hell does that mean?
Want Fucking Peanut Butter? Wait For Plan B Warning: Foul Party Breath? Turns out it has nothing to do with peanut butter, an alternative plan, or stale booze breath. WFPB stands for Whole-Food Plant-Based, which refers to the Whole-Food Plant-Based diet.
Do You Want To Lick My Detox? + Coconut Polenta with Roasted Root Veggies and Tangerine Cashew Cream
Hey baby, do you want to lick my detox? Oh yeah… as long as you rub my cleanse in return.
I’ll rub your cleanse if you put your scoby in my dosha. Okay, but only if your scoby is free of carcinogens, GMOs and gluten. Oh, my scoby is clean, my sexy prana bear. Oh yeah…. let’s take some probiotics and DO THIS. And then when we’re done, we can get our energy read and go for a superfood, goji berry colonic. Blow that didgeridoo baby – let’s get this fuckery started!
Let’s Be Nice To Ourselves + Maple Tangerine Cashew Cream
Can we make a pact right here, right now, with the first fuckery of 2016 as our witness to release ourselves from self-judgement, self-scolding and feeling guilty when we’re not perfect? That shit needs to go. There’s enough hatred and judgment in the world.
Read MoreWe’re All Going To Die Someday; Pass The Tequila + 7 Layer Plant Based Nacho Dip
Truth. How many bottles of wine have you double fisted so far?
Have holiday cookies arrived by dump directly into your mouth before you had a chance to avert the mission?
How about chocolate? Has chocolate become your steady escape to happy lately?
Let’s talk about cheese. Have you been having some special moments with cheese?
We spend all year doing our best to avoid the stuff that’s momentarily fun to eat and drink, but ultimately makes us feel tired, bloated, sluggish and gross.
Life, It’s Not Always Cheery + Plant Based Holiday Cookies
December is a sad, hard month for a lot of people, so instead of writing about the usual happy holiday bullshit, today is all about sorrow and loss. Because sorrow and loss are part of the human deal, and it brings comfort knowing that everyone goes through the same heartbreaking shit as us.
Read MoreSarah Went From a Size 14 to a size 4 – Here’s How + Brown Rice Casserole
Last week, on Dec 12 marked 6 months since I’ve had a drop of alcohol. This blows my mind. When I made the decision to finally quit drinking for good I knew it was time but I had this idea that there would be a gaping hole where wine used to live. This hole would leave me sad, bored, boring, unhappy, less cool, scared, and not sure how to navigate life.
Read MoreFear Isn’t Why You’re Stuck + Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash
Everyone has fear and people who are successful in their endeavors aren’t successful because they’ve cracked the super secret code and banished fear from their lives. They are successful because the story they tell themselves is in line and supports the outcome of what they want instead of working against them and keeping them stuck in self-defeating circles.
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