Accepting Your Partner, Plant Based or Not

Love is accepting your partner for who they are, plant based or not

Relationships are not about changing another person. They are not about controlling, imposing our views, manipulating, or trying to mold someone into what we need in order to be okay. 

Healthy relationships are for expressing our love to another human and receiving their love. That’s it. And it’s more than enough—it’s everything. 

When you show up in your romantic relationship with this attitude, it’s easy to encourage your partner to be themselves. It’s easy and natural to cheer them on. You look at them with awe and wonder. You love them for the sake of loving them. 

We don’t have to try to convince our partners to eat plant based, go to bed earlier, exercise more, put away their phones, drink more water, complain less, or stop eating cheese. 

We can just love them. And receive their love.




You might be thinking, “Hold on, cowgirl! (Because apparently I ride a horse now?) I hear you, but I want my partner to eat better because I want them around for as long as possible. Trying to get them to eat healthier is me loving them.” 

This sounds logical, but hear me out. 

If it’s important for your partner to make healthy changes, they will take the initiative.

They might even ask for your help, and if you’re up for it, you can say yes and pack them Hippie Porridge and make 3 dozen plant based meatballs with a smile. 

If it’s not important to your partner, trying to get them to change is not love. It’s control. 

Love is accepting your partner for who they are. 

Does this mean you should stay with an asshole? No, you should definitely not stay with an asshole. You can accept someone for who they are and decide to end the relationship. The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, accepting someone for who they are is usually the first step in leaving a relationship that is no longer working. 

Assholes aside, when you’re no longer trying to change your partner, and you accept them unconditionally, you can love them for the amazing experience of expressing your love. And, with an open heart, you can experience their love for you. What a gift.

By doing this, you will also create room to look at the things within yourself you’ve been wanting to work on. Spoiler alert: focusing on other people’s shortcomings is an easy way to avoid looking at our own

Trying to change and control people is exhausting. It might be what the mind wants, but it’s the opposite of what the heart wants. The energy of love has an overwhelming desire to be expressed. Explore that, honor that, and let it flow. 

Is your sweetheart a meat eater and has expressed interest in getting healthier?

We’ve made something special for them. A Recipe Collection with 24 of our most popular omni-friendly recipes. These are recipes that our members make for the omnis in their life on repeat. 

Get cooking in just two steps: 

  1. Start a free trial to unlock access to this Omni-Approved Recipe Collection.
  2. Watch this quick video about cooking from a collection.

Here are just a few of the mouthwatering recipes in this collection.

Korean BBQ Pizza

Plant Based Alfredo Sauce

Crispy Toficken Nuggets

Cheesy Pasta, Plant-powered Italian Sausage and Roasted Butternut Squash Casserole

Classic Cheesy Broccoli Soup

Here’s to loving yourself, loving your partner, and loving all the delicious plants. 


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Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.

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