7 Reasons To Sign Up for the Plant Fueled Reset


By Molly Patrick
Dec 6, 2023,

The Plant Fueled Reset is happening in 2024, and here are 7 reasons why you should join us.

1. You will feel better than you have in a loooooong time 

During the Reset, you’ll be cooking and eating whole plant foods: fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, and some minimally processed plant based ingredients, like tofu and non-dairy milk. 

These are foods packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, healthy fat, plenty of protein, and loads of fiber. 

Eating like this gives your body a chance to operate with less inflammation, smooth digestion, a happy, well-balanced gut, tons of energy, better mental health, and a zest only experienced when fueled by plants. 

If you need a good dusting off, the Reset is for you

2. You will break unhealthy habits you’ve slipped into 

Whether it’s drinking alcohol, mindless eating, chocolate, potato chips, ice cream, snacking after dinner, regular drive-thru runs, boxed mac and cheese, or craving something sweet after every meal, this Reset will help you drop those habits like a hot potato. 

You’ll go back to basics and eat super healthy food when you’re hungry, stop when you’re no longer hungry, and move on with your day. You’ll feel the freedom of trusting your body to tell you to eat because you’re hungry and not because unhealthy habits have a hold on you. 

3. You will crave and genuinely prefer healthy food 

It’s the coolest thing to crave big ass salads, veggie bean soups, and plant-loaded casseroles. When you choose an apple over a candy bar because you honestly want it more, things start to shift for good. This isn’t about choking down healthy food for a month, it’s about adapting your taste buds to prefer and truly enjoy healthy food now, and well into the future. 

4. You will see first-hand that this IS doable for you

I’ll guide you every step of the way, with weekly menus, meal plans, recipes, and live cooking demos. Whether you like to batch cook or not, we have you covered. If you think it’s possible for other people but probably not for you, think again. Eating and loving whole plant foods is possible for everyone. One of the best things in life is to surprise oneself. If you think you can’t do this, please sign up, I will show you that this is doable for you and you CAN do this

5. You will be fully supported 

The Reset includes live cooking demos, check-ins, planned-for-you menus with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, helpful downloads, meal plans, recipes, VIP group coaching (optional add-on), and a dedicated private Facebook group. From January 3rd to February 10th, you are our priority. We will support you through this, hold your hand, and give you everything you need to succeed

6. You will experience joy 

Do you know what happens when you feel a deep joy from within? You stop searching for external pleasure. That emptiness fills up with love and tenderness and compassion and purpose and forgiveness and understanding and patience and delight. You won’t need those quick hits of pleasure because you have something so much better, so much deeper. You have YOU. And you will feel fulfilled, content, and peaceful from within. 

I know it’s a lofty promise, but I say it from personal experience and from leading so many over the years. This is what happens, and I would love for you to experience it yourself

7. You will stop being full and start being satiated 

When you are satiated, your body signals to your brain that it has had enough nutrients and calories. This triggers a reduction in appetite and a sense of satisfaction. You don’t want more. You don’t want less. You feel just right. Satiation feels deeply satisfying and prevents overeating.

Fullness is the sensation of expansion in the stomach after eating. It is a result of the stomach stretching. 

When you eat the right food (the food you’ll be eating in the Reset), you will experience being satiated before you ever feel full. This is a good thing because, by the time you feel full, you’ve already overeaten. When you feel satiated, it’s your cue that your body has what it needs, and you can stop eating. 

Bonus: Your clothes will fit better 

This isn’t the point, but it is a result of the process.

Check self-care off your holiday wish list and register today. I would be honored to guide you through this transformation. 

Co-founder of Clean Food Dirty Girl and certified life coach

Get a weekly dose of inspiration to eat more plants and celebrate imperfection

Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.

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