Salads by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Trying to Convince Someone to Eat Plant Based is a Waste of Time + Garlicky Beet and Kale Salad

How to Make Yummy Satisfying Salads (video demo) + Classic Big Ass Salad with Miso Tahini Dressing

garlicky pumpkin seeds

Stacia’s Transition from Vegetarian to Whole-Food Plant-Based (video chat) + Toasted Garlicky Pumpkin Seeds

You Already Have What You Need + Quick Carrot Raisin Salad

All About Lectins in Plant Foods + Oil Free Lemony Lentil Salad (Azifa)

You Get to Decide How Much You Enjoy the Holidays + Citrus Grain Salad (plant based and oil free)

The Plant Based Wizardry Behind Team Dirty + Creamy Avo Quinoa Salad

Liberate Yourself From Your Scale + Orange Maple Butternut Squash & Tofu Salad

Who Are They Fooling? Life Is Crap Sometimes + Plant Based Caesar Salad

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