Words to Live by by Molly Patrick + Team

Showing Up for Yourself + Plant Based Mango Lassi (no refined sugar)

Quitting Coffee for Three Weeks + Teff Porridge (Instant Pot)

How to Make Blanched Collard Wraps (Video Demo and Recipe)

Be Stronger than Your Excuses—Batch Cooking from a Wheelchair (video chat with Tammy Snowden) + Oil-Free Falafel Patties

The Difference Between Flavor and Taste and Why it Matters + Almond Taco Filling

How to Find Your Joy in Eating + Plant Based Cheddar Sauce (nut free)

The Environmental Impact of Our Food Choices + Blanched Chard Dolmas

Larry Libbee Drastically Reduced Medications by Eating Plants (video) + Plant Based Tzatziki Sauce

We Are All Connected, Let’s Show Up with Compassion + Plant Based Sweet and Tangy Baked Beans (Oil-Free)

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