Batch Block, Be Gone with Our Plant Based Batching Bootcamp
By Molly Patrick
Jul 31, 2024,
By Molly Patrick
Jul 31, 2024,
A few weeks ago, I had a bunch of friends over for dinner. The vibe was very 1981-lentil-loaf-potluck-Birkenstock-Joni-Mitchell. It felt familiar and comforting, like how I imagine the smell of apple pie baking would soothe people who didn’t grow up on a hippie commune, for example. As I took in the aroma, the music, and my flowing cotton earth-tone dress, I realized then and there that I have officially turned into my mom. I mean, I knew it was coming, I just didn’t realize it would be so abrupt. Welcome to a new era of my life.
As the gathering started to wind down at the ripe time of 7:30pm (ah-hem), one of my friends told me, between bites of Lentil Loaf, that he’d joined Clean Food Dirty Girl. I was SO stoked to hear this news because I want ALL the people I love to follow our meal plans, make our recipes, and live long, healthy lives. Then my friend looked at me with a serious face and said, “I have a confession to make.” My first thought was there wasn’t enough nooch in the Lentil Loaf, but no, the loaf was fine. “I have batch block,” my friend said. “I haven’t done it yet. I want to do it. I keep thinking about doing it, but it just hasn’t happened yet.”
I smiled at his words, because little did my friend know, my team and I were in the midst of planning something specifically for people who are experiencing batch block.
Hands up, praise the Lentil Loaf!!!!
You see, there are a few things I can do really well: pick out the perfect pair of Birkenstocks and accompanying essential oil, and batch cook plant based food. I’m a legit expert and have been doing it for decades.
Being efficient at plant based batch cooking (and actually doing it) is a fantastic skill everyone should have, especially people who want to save money and time.
I’m going to show you exactly how I do it (AKA efficient AF). And yes, I’m sparing you from my LENTIL LOAF.
Let me show you how to be a batching badass as I cook one of our most popular meal plans live on Zoom. We’ve designed this so you can cook right along with me. Batch block, be gone! 👋
Anyone can join for just $9. If you’re a Clean Food Dirty Girl member, look for the coupon code or on the homepage of Clean Food Dirty Girl to get 100% off (you read that right!).
Our Batching Bootcamp is open for registration now and spots are limited. We’ll provide everything you need to follow along, including the grocery list, prep list, and meal night assembly instructions. Then, we’ll batch live on Zoom together on Saturday, August 17th at 11:30am Pacific / 2:30pm Eastern and eat deliciously plant-powered all week long. The replay will be available if you can’t make it live. But try to make it live because you’ll get the most out of this if you do this along with me!
Are you still reading this? Stop. Get to registerin’ or it’s Lentil Loaf for breakfast!
If you have a friend or two who’ve been wanting to cook and eat plant based, please with a big fancy cherry on top, can you share this post with them so they can sign up? Thank you much!
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