Posts by Molly Patrick
Reconsidering Our Number One Priority. Protect Your Body + Thai Tofu Larb
The human body is designed to work for us, not against us, and when given the right fuel, we can trust that that’s exactly what it will do. And when we experience the quality of life that comes as a result of this, we can’t help but be filled with love, respect, gratitude and compassion for our body.
Read MoreWho Are They Fooling? Life Is Crap Sometimes + Plant Based Caesar Salad
No matter what all the healthy lifestyle experts are saying, shit is not always good. Life is filled with heartbreak and you can’t negate that by upping your kale and goji berry intake and dedicating every free second to a yoga mat.
Read MoreThe 3 Steps On How To Make Plant Based Meals Satisfying That I Wish I Knew in 1999 + Smoky Tofu Tacos
Some relationships are clearly doomed for failure. Your relationship with food shouldn’t be one of them. So whether you’re planning your meals for the week ahead, a special dinner, or just deciding on lunch, use this formula and pretty soon it will become second nature. Or, you can just follow along with my recipes and leave it to me. I’ve gotten much better since 1999.
Read MoreHealthcare in the US: I Managed To Get A Doctor To Spill The Beans + Green Smoothie with a Secret Ingredient
America is one of the only countries where patients can sue their doctors for virtually anything. This means that 90% of our time is spent practicing defensive medicine to ensure that we don’t get sued. America and New Zealand are also the only two countries in the world that are allowed to advertise pharmaceutical drugs directly to the consumer.
Read MoreHow to Eat Healthy Even When You’re Super Busy + Whole-Food Plant-Based Couscous Breakfast Bowl
I’m guessing that what I bring to the whole-food plant-based eating world is different than what you’re used to getting. Most plant-based bloggers and authors are really nice, gentle people who write pleasant things, paint rosy pictures with their words and have matching sheets. Then you have me. I swear, I apologize on behalf of preachy vegans, and I have unpopular stuff to say.
Read MoreGive Yourself Some Love, Perfection Doesn’t Exist + Whole-Food Plant-Based Dijon Lentil Salad
Luanne was combing through our blog earlier this week. I don’t know what she was doing, but she’s Asian so I assume it involved search engine optimization and/or code.
Read MoreThat One Time in Sedona + The Scoop on Superfoods
It was a classic chia eating, kombucha drinking new age cafe scene. The type that makes you feel like the cool pill was passed around right when you got up to take a piss so you missed out. We sat around a wooden table made out of repurposed barn, and then painted with what I can only imagine was paint made from beetroot and used veggie oil. I never got confirmation on the paint, but I’d be willing to bet a couple ounces of raw cacao nibs that I nailed it.
Read MoreWe All Do Stuff That We Know Is Bad For Us + Raw Vegan Lasagna Recipe
The night draped her in a blanket of black, but from where I was sitting I could see her face being lit by the orange flicker of flames.
It was a cold November night and there were 5 or 6 of us gathered around a fire. There were no chairs, so we sat on the cold dusty ground.
Fake Cocaine and Gluten Isn’t The Devil & Why You Might Not Want To Eat Gluten Free+ Toasted Coconut Kale Salad
There’s waaaaaay too much emphasis on eating gluten free when the conversation needs to be about eating whole, unprocessed foods – regardless of what gluten camp you’re in.
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