Posts by Molly Patrick
What My Itchy Twat (Yeast Infection) Reminded Me
There are a lot of uncomfortable scenarios that I would voluntarily choose over a yeast infection, but last week, that’s what I had, so I wasted no time scanning my routine and picking out what I did differently the days leading up to itch fest. I had my answer in under a minute, and I knew exactly what I had to do to feel better.
Read MorePlant Fueled Meal Plans + 5 Minute Instant Pot Cheesy Sauce (Plant Based)
People go into this thinking it’s all about food. This is not all about food. It’s about healing your relationship with food and learning how to trust your body.
Read MoreYour Body Is Delicious
You have one life in your beautiful, miraculous, delicious body. So make it good. Make it so good that you can feel your cells, alive and thriving, bringing you health and happiness with every single breath you take. Make it rich. So rich that when you go to bed at night you can’t wait to wake up in the morning.
Read MoreMeditation 101 + Whole-Food Plant-Based Carrot Dogs
In order to be okay and make it through the sometimes fucked up and hard landscape called life, there are things we can do to make it a little easier. Eating a nutrient dense, health promoting diet is one of them. Meditation is another. Here’s how to meditate – it’s easier than you think.
Read MoreHow to Eat Well When You Travel a Lot – Tips from a Whole-Food Plant-Based Commercial Airline Pilot
If you need to take your power back with food and reexamine how, what and why you eat, I encourage you to look at your diet head on. Don’t look away. Don’t run. Be honest. Be open. And instead of making excuses as to why you can’t, declare to the universe with your strongest, most steady voice, why you can.
Read MoreHow To Fart Less When Eating Plant Based + Lime Turmeric Mung Bean Hummus
As revealed last week, when you start eating more plant foods and less animal based foods and processed foods, you fart like you’re in an actual farting competition. And those exist – I checked. The first prize is ten thousand dollars and they rank you on 5 categories: – control, duration, multiplicity of tone, artistic presentation, and stench.
Read MoreBathroom Business Part 2: What To Do About Bloating and Farting + Super Easy Instant Pot Lentils
Eating plant based is beautiful and stunning for so many reasons. Being bloated and farting all the time, are not two of them. Let’s take a look and find out how you can help your digestive system settle the hell down.
Read MoreMy Struggle with Alcohol
I’m laying in my bed. It’s 8am. It’s cold and dark. My head pounds. My mouth is dry. I feel nauseous. The Bay Area fog has nestled itself tightly around all of Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco. There will be no blue skies today. There will be no sun.
Read MoreBathroom Business: Healthy Poop Explained + Soba Noodles with Veggies and Easy Avocado Sauce
I’m going to start by helping you identify healthy, normal poops based on frequency, form, color, and smell. Yup – this is happening right now. Oh, and I promise not to use the terms “number 2” or “bowel movement” in this entire blog post.
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