Posts by Molly Patrick
Accept Your Gorgeous Body Exactly as it Is Right Now + Plant Based Banana Walnut Muffins
When we don’t love our body and accept our body exactly as it is in this moment, we find ways to try to change it as fast as we possibly can. We react. We beat ourselves up. We restrict calories. We get angry. We get on that scale….again.
Read MoreJami Heymann Frees Herself of All Lupus Symptoms with a Plant Based Diet + Tangy Strawberry Hemp Dressing
Amazing Dirty Girl Jami frees herself from medications and all symptoms of her diagnosed lupus by fueling herself with plants. Hear her amazing story in my video interview with her.
Read MoreThe Mother of All Whole-Food Plant-Based Resources for Plant Based Newbies
If you’re doing this for health reasons and you KNOW it’s time to get your shit together, jumping in and making the switch overnight isn’t a bad idea. But if you’re just curious about this way of eating, there’s nothing wrong with adding a few plant based meals in here and there and testing the waters. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Listen to your gut and heart and decide what you want to do. And then do it. Either way, I got you covered.
Read MoreArsenic in My Rice? Say What? + A Recipe for Brown Rice Without the Arsenic
Now, if you know me at all, you know I’m not a fan of sensationalism or drama and I don’t get wrapped up in internet nonsense, especially surrounding food. So although high arsenic levels in rice might sound like another argument that paleo supporters make against a plant-based diet, this one actually holds some weight.
Read MoreDon’t Take People’s Crap About Your Awesome Food Choices + Staple Seasoned Lentils Recipe (Instant Pot and Stove Top)
Change is hard. But it’s the emotional weight, created by other people’s reaction to your change, that’s the killer. But only if you allow it. When people have something negative or unsupportive to say to you about your healthy changes, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with you. It is a pure reflection of them.
Read MoreA Kick In The Pants Love Letter From Me to You + Creamy Mustard Dressing
The problem is, most people don’t trust how powerful and fully capable they are. And so instead of taking responsibility for their life and taking action, they continue to give their power away, along with a bunch of bullshit reasons (aka excuses) why they can’t get their shit together and have the life that they so desperately want.
Read MoreFrances Reverses Type 2 Diabetes with a Plant Based Lifestyle + Plant Based Oil Free Refried Bean and Salsa Soup
Watch the video in this post to hear Frances lost 55 pounds and got her A1C from 13.8 to 5.8, allowing her to get off both of her type 2 diabetes meds in just 7 months. All through food. When you make badass changes to your diet, and fuel with plants, your attitude about yourself and how you treat your body changes – all for the better.
Read MoreI Broke My Own Rule + THE Plant Based Smoky Gouda Cheese Sauce Recipe
Before I commit to something, I always make certain that I have the want, the time and the bandwidth to do it. This goes for a trip out of the country or lunch with a friend. If I don’t want to do it, if I don’t have time to do it, or if I can’t do it for whatever reason, I have no problem saying no.
Read MoreCrappy Eating Has Nothing To Do With Willpower – Dr Doug Lisle Explains (Video) + Wild Rice Recipe
You can know something all day long, but if you don’t put it into practice, it can’t serve you. The Pleasure Trap doesn’t go into why eating a healthy plant-based diet is so powerful for human health. It goes into why people don’t eat a healthy plant-based diet, even when they know how powerful it is for human health.
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