Posts by Molly Patrick
Reversing Glaucoma by Going Whole-Food Plant-Based. Bettyanne Does It! + Pumpkin Spice Muffins
We have about a week left of 2017 and I couldn’t imagine a better way to round out this year than with today’s video. Here’s the deal. Let’s say you know that diabetes runs in your family and you’ve been hovering at that pre-diabetes line, worried that it will cross over into official type 2…
Read MoreFalling in Love with Your Body + Turmeric Blackberry Whole Food Smoothie
The room was warm and dimly lit. I was sweaty. The smell in the air was the combination of lavender, sweat, and rubber. My heavy breathing started to slow down as I rested from a round of chaturangas, down dogs and forward folds. My muscles were tired and shaky and I was thankful for the…
Read MoreYou Get to Decide How Much You Enjoy the Holidays + Citrus Grain Salad (plant based and oil free)
I have a few things to say about the holidays. But first: I went to a gong bath / Kundalini yoga class on Tuesday night and it was the hippiest shit I’ve ever done in my life. And this is coming from someone who grew up in a teepee. First of all, I found out…
Read MoreCuddling Habits That Are No Longer Serving You + Sweet and Salty Breakfast Toast
If you’re like most humans, you engage in a habit or two that is no longer serving you. Maybe it’s the habit of not exercising. Maybe it’s cheese. Maybe it’s a weekly date with a fluffy, flaky croissant. Maybe it’s drinking every night. Maybe it’s eating chocolate ice cream until you feel sick. Maybe it’s…
Read MoreJoe Hunt Loses 100 Pounds and Gets Off of His Medications + Plant Based Smoky Potato Corn Chowder
Oh man dirtyland, do I have a doozy for you! I want to talk about Joe Hunt. If you’re in our private Facebook group, you’ve seen these two love birds around. One of my favorite transformations to date is that of Joe Hunt. Here’s a snippet from the man himself: “I’ve lost 97 pounds so…
Read MoreHere’s To Your Journey With Plants + Whole-Food Plant-Based Sweet Potato Bean Hash (oil free)
Here’s to waking up every morning with a zing and feeling rested and enthusiastic to start your day. Here’s to being totally okay with drinking a glass of what looks like swamp every morning. Here’s to eating until you’re perfectly satisfied instead of restricting calories. Here’s to loving the food that you never have to…
Read MoreIf You’re Hanging On To Bad Habits Because You’re Terrified To Let Them Go, Hear This + Pumpkin Pie Steel Cut Oats (Instant Pot)
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anais Nin The thought of letting go of bad habits and addictions used to terrify me. I felt like I needed those habits to be happy.I felt like life without them would be…
Read MoreMy Before & After Pictures + Whole-Food Plant-Based Lemon Lentil Turnip Soup
I used to be rounder than I am now. There was a short time in high school when I wanted to be skinny, like Kate Moss and Amber Valetta, so I stopped eating like I normally ate. But I hated being hungry and I was only doing it for attention, so it was short lived.…
Read MoreLeah Rocks a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet After Her Weight Loss Surgery
The internet is awesome for lots of reasons. Cat videos. Kitten videos. More kitten videos. And literally anything you could ever want to know. On the one hand, this is fabulous because it makes learning so easy. On the other hand, developing a keen eye for bullshit clickbait and articles that aren’t properly researched or…
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