Eating Plant Based in Malaysia Part Two – Detailed Images and Journal

eating plant based in malaysia

By Molly Patrick
Jun 23, 2018,

Lunch with the mom-in-law.  I ordered fried tofu, steamed broccoli and noodles with greens and soy sauce.

vegetarian lunch

Later at the grocery store, jackfruit in the flesh!


Raju is a popular chain of banana leaf restaurants that serve delicious Southern Indian food AND roti canai. Here is our server, dishing up the various curries.

rajus banana leaf

Tofu with onions and spicy chili sauce.  GAWDDDD it’s good!

rajus banana leaf

Roti Canai, flooded with lentil dhal and a side of pickled cabbage, beet and coconut sambal. Coconut sambal is a spicy, savory coconut dip / sauce that is served on the side, along with other curry sauces and dhal.

rajus banana leaf

Video we took of roti canai being born.

There is nothing, and I mean, nothing, like drinking a cold coconut on a hot day, right after you eat spicy food.  Pure bliss.

molly patrick at rajus banana leaf

Sometimes fruit and cereal hits the perfect dinner spot.  Pear, mango, jackfruit and cereal with soy milk.

tropical fruits and cereal

Curry puff with a side of purple carrots, celery and red peppers, dipped in hummus.

curry puff veggies and hummus

I can’t do a post about Malaysia without bringing up cendol.

Cendol (pronounced “chendal”) is a cold dessert, made up of shaved ice, coconut milk, worm-shaped pandan flavored rice jelly bits, melted palm sugar and black beans.  I’m not a fan of the black beans but the rest is awesome.


Banana leaf in Little India in KL. I don’t even know what all was on my leaf but it was all plant based and I enjoyed every spicy second of it.

Click on the number 5 below to get to the next page.

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Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.


  1. Hondo on June 23, 2018 at 9:55 am

    Loved reading about your trip fuckery! Great pictures!

  2. Laura on June 23, 2018 at 10:04 am

    “We’re all just people who want to be heard, loved, accepted and well fed. ” YES, YES, YES! Everyone should be required to travel. It changes your entire life.

  3. Kathleen Ballanfant on June 23, 2018 at 10:58 am

    I absolutely love the travel stories! Food in Malaysia looks sooo good. When you send some recipes our way, can you please use ingredients that are easy to find in the US?

  4. Sadie on June 23, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    Your Dirty Girl travel stories (and Photos!) are wonderful. Thank you.

  5. michelle on June 23, 2018 at 11:57 pm

    Thank you for sharing your trip with us, loved all the foody pics and ordered the book, have a wonderful week you two.

  6. JoAnne Lowe on June 24, 2018 at 4:59 am

    My appetite has been whetted for both travel and your upcoming Malaysian meal plan! Thanks for sharing your travels and wonderful pics of your ’round the world food!

  7. Lilian Poberezny on June 25, 2018 at 8:02 am

    Great stuff.
    Loved reading your journal and seeing the photos. ?

  8. Alexa on June 25, 2018 at 11:31 pm

    This journal put a smile on my beautiful face. I hope to visit Malaysia soon. Anyhow, healthy food is always good. Thanks for sharing your Malaysian travel. Looking forward to more of this.

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