Don’t Worry About Healthiest

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By Molly Patrick
Nov 26, 2022,

I’m here with a loving reminder for your beautiful self. 

There is nothing wrong with healthiER when healthiEST isn’t realistic. 

There could be many reasons why healthiest won’t work for you right now: 

  • Jam-packed schedule
  • Messy emotional stuff
  • Traveling
  • Not feeling like it
  • Super tight budget
  • An injury or illness
  • A break up
  • Going through grief
  • Something new and exciting in your life 
  • Feeling sick

Or maybe your once stable-feeling life is all upside down, backward, sideways, squiggly, and twirly whirly. 

I don’t know all the things, but I do know that impermanence is part of being human. This is great because things will change. This sucks because…well, things will change. 

Instead of turning yourself into a pretzel, hopping into a potato sack, and attempting to mount a horse and ride it bare-back on a moonless night to eat the healthiest, try this:

Molly Patrick

Untwist yourself, get out of the sack, let go of the reins, put on some pants, and meet yourself where you’re at, over in Healthier-ville. It’s a peaceful and compassionate place with an awesome view. 

Healthiest will be there when you’re ready (maybe even in January for my Reset 👀). Until then, cut yourself some slack and relax into healthier

What healthier might look like: 

  • Buying prepared hummus instead of making it from scratch 
  • Opening a can of refried beans for easy burritos 
  • Pouring jarred pasta sauce over some cooked noodles 
  • Batch cooking just three things over the weekend, like soup, dressing, and a sauce 
  • Popping a frozen plant-based meal in the oven 
  • Adding pre-chopped veggies and a salad mix to your shopping cart 
  • Smearing an apple with peanut butter for breakfast  
  • Dipping some lettuce in the dressing you made and call it salad enough (I did this for dinner just last week)
  • Grabbing the healthiest meal available at a take-out place on your way home 
  • Making an almond butter and jam sandwich with a side of fruit for dinner 

Most importantly, give yourself some grace, and decide that whatever healthier choices you’re making are 100% good enough.

Here’s a little secret to help you get there: when you zoom out and look at the bigger picture, the healthier choice is the healthiest choice for you right now. 

I’ll see you over in Healthier-ville. And in January, we can adventure to the land of healthiest during the 2023 Plant Fueled Reset!

Adventure to the land of the healthiest in 2023

Plant Fueled Reset With Molly Patrick

Get a weekly dose of inspiration to eat more plants and celebrate imperfection

Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.

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