Whole Food Plant Based Virgins by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Step-by-Step Plan for Whole-Food Plant-Based Beginners + Herb Farro

how to make a delicious salad

How to Make a Delicious Salad + Super Simple Big Ass Salad

whole-food plant-based Meal Planning + Paella

The Importance of Plant-Based Meal Planning + Plant Based Paella (oil-free)

Why People Batch Cook + Black Eyed Pea Stew

Making My Whole Food Plant Based Diet Gluten-Free + Plant Based Black Lentil Curry

Making My Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet Gluten-Free + Plant Based Black Lentil Curry (oil-free)

Plant Based Potato & Zucchini Latkes (oil-free)

Batch Cooking Video to Help You Batch Cook Faster + Plant Based Potato & Zucchini Latkes (oil-free)

Chickpea Green Curry (oil-free)

The Importance of Remembering Your Why + Chickpea Green Curry (oil-free)

Sweet Potato Flatbread (oil-free) What to Do When You Can't Get Certain Whole Food Plant Based Ingredients

What to Do When You Can’t Get Certain Whole-Food Plant-Based Ingredients + Sweet Potato Flatbread (oil-free)

Plant Based Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins (oil-free) How to Get Your Partner and Kids on Board with Eating Plant Based

How to Get Your Partner and Kids on Board with Eating Plant Based + Plant Based Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins (oil-free)

Tons of whole food plant based recipes, resources, guides and programs to help you on your journey to no longer be a plant based virgin.

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