Whole Food Plant Based Virgins by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Falling in Love with Your Body + Turmeric Blackberry Whole Food Smoothie

You Get to Decide How Much You Enjoy the Holidays + Citrus Grain Salad (plant based and oil free)

Cuddling Habits That Are No Longer Serving You + Sweet and Salty Breakfast Toast

Joe Hunt Loses 100 Pounds and Gets Off of His Medications + Plant Based Smoky Potato Corn Chowder

Here’s To Your Journey With Plants + Whole-Food Plant-Based Sweet Potato Bean Hash (oil free)

If You’re Hanging On To Bad Habits Because You’re Terrified To Let Them Go, Hear This + Pumpkin Pie Steel Cut Oats (Instant Pot)

My Before & After Pictures + Whole-Food Plant-Based Lemon Lentil Turnip Soup

Leah Rocks a whole-food plant-based diet after weight loss surgery

Leah Rocks a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet After Her Weight Loss Surgery

Eating Plant Based When Traveling: Arizona and New Mexico – Tips and a Detailed Journal with Pictures + Tamari Roasted Sunflower Seeds

Tons of whole food plant based recipes, resources, guides and programs to help you on your journey to no longer be a plant based virgin.

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