Posts by Molly Patrick
9 Steps to Get You Out of A Funk
It was hot and dry, like only a September afternoon in Arizona can offer, and I was stuffing Wetzel Pretzel bites into my mouth, and loving every disgusting minute of it. The outlet mall outside of Phoenix, adjacent to I-10 is depressing in a remote, fabricated, middle America type of way, but it didn’t matter.
Read MoreTips for Eating Less Oil + Easy Antipasto Brown Rice Pasta Salad Recipe
Do you know anyone who has had the same style for so long that it actually became cool again? I’ve known a-plenty and I’m probably one of them in the making.
Read MoreWeight Loss Through a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet – A Client Opens Up For the First Time
You know those people who show up in your life at precisely the right moment? Their entrance has the timing of anything Amy Poehler writes and the world is way less sucky because of them. They pop in gracefully like it’s all part of a pre-designed plan.
Read MoreReasons To Avoid Oil and What Gets Me Hot + the Best Vegan Reuben with Tempeh You’ll Ever Eat
Growing up, I hated school and I was a terrible student. I never studied in high school so I would cheat to pass my tests. It’s a wonder I even graduated.
Read MoreThe Saturated Fat Debate + Whole-Food Plant-Based Tofu Salad Recipe
Grab your poodle skirt, your 4 cent stamp, your favorite 45 RPM record and your marshmallow fluff. We’re bouncing over to the 1950’s to meet a man named Ancel Keys, an American scientist who had a theory that heart disease was the product of too much saturated fat in the diet.
Read MoreFats 101: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly + a Quick Quinoa Recipe
I was born in 1980 and by the time 1994 rolled around, I was awkward, angry, defensive and horrified that I wasn’t one of the “pretty” girls. I was up close and personal with puberty and the shit was ugly.
Read MoreHealthy Foods That Aren’t So Healthy After All and What To Swap Them Out With + Thai Coconut Curry
On Wednesday night my dinner was a bowl of cereal. For some reason I had one single raspberry in my fridge, so I threw it on top in a halfhearted attempt to add some nutrients to my otherwise nutrient void “dinner”. Sometimes you just need a bowl of cereal, damn it.
Read MoreThe Top Nine Most Crappy Processed Foods + a Brownie Recipe With Nothing Crappy In It
There is a shit load of information out there about food, but for the love, try not to overthink it. I could pick apart and find something wrong with every kind of food out there if I really wanted to. But I refuse to do this for two reasons.
Read MoreThe Most Nutrient Dense Foods on the Planet + Insanely Good Baked Sweet Potatoes
During the past couple of weeks, I’ve explained to you the importance of phytochemicals and the difference between appetite and true hunger. Today I’m going to school you on the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.
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