Posts by Molly Patrick
The Podunk-ness Continues – Kitchen Tools I Can’t Live Without Part Two + Oil Free Refried Beans (Instant Pot + Stove Top)
Last Saturday I gave you my first five most important kitchen tools. Here’s part 2 of kitchen tools I can’t live without and instant pot oil free refried beans recipe. You will never have to buy refried beans in a can ever again
Read MoreOne of My Many Nicknames + Kitchen Tools I Can’t Live Without : Part One + Plant Based Chai Eggnog
Cooking plant-based recipes and meals isn’t complicated and it doesn’t require fancy expensive equipment. I’m sharing the 10 kitchen tools that I use in my kitchen most often in this two-part series.
Read MoreNot All Stories Have a Happy Ending + Whole-Food Plant-Based Split Pea Soup
I don’t know about you, but when I’m going through hard emotional stuff, it hits me right in the stomach and my hardy appetite disappears. I’m usually giddy and excited about eating leafy greens and beans and quinoa and sweet potatoes and avocados and grain and veggie bowls and oats and salads.
Read MoreOil-Free Basil Eggplant and Tofu
Our Oil-Free Basil Eggplant and Tofu is hearty, satisfying, and nourishing. Try this plant based recipe today and wow your tastebuds. Wishing you a happy week. May it be filled with feeling all the feelings.xoMolly
Read MoreFun Tunnel with Strippers
There are countless ways to distract and numb ourselves from feeling yucky and sad. And because feeling yucky and sad is uncomfortable and painful, our knee jerk response is to run from the pain, straight into the arms of distraction and consumption.
Read MoreI’ve Been Bamboozled + Simple Veggie Bean Soup (Instant Pot + Stove Top)
Did you know that it gets cold in Hawaii? Well, I’ve been bamboozled because I’m sitting here wearing a sweater, a scarf, long pants and socks when I thought I’d be sporting a sarong year round. Now, understand that I use the word “cold” loosely here. Right now it’s 70°F / 22°C, which you might laugh at, but to me, this is take a hot bath and then cozy up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and a Turmeric Latte weather.
Read MoreMy Car Was Trying To Eat Me + Whole-Food Plant-Based Teff Porridge
Instead of smoking a cigarette, I uncharacteristically took several huge hits off a joint that was being passed around just so I could have the sensation of smoke in my lungs, because cravings make us do shit that we wouldn’t normally do.
Read MoreWhy I Happily Eat Chocolate Almost Everyday + Oil Free Chana Masala (Chickpea Curry)
One of the reasons why I was shit scared to quit drinking and why I put it off for so long was because the thought of living my life without that escape, or more accurately, without the anticipation of that escape, was unimaginable to me. If I didn’t have that escape, that pleasure, that cozy intoxication to look forward to, what was the fucking point? I didn’t want alcohol. I wanted the feeling that it would provide.
Read MoreTrusting Your Gut: How Hunger Cues Can Reset on a Plant Based Diet
Most of us have been conditioned to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same, set times every day, and to avoid food between meals. This is generally how it’s been done since the days of old. And when I say days of old, I don’t have a specific year in mind, but images of puffy sleeves, neck ruffs and bonnets come to mind. As a side note, THANK GOD neck ruffs aren’t a thing anymore. Talk about some fuckery!
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