9 Common Things I’ve Heard Throughout My Meatless Life That Are Too Good Not To Share + Miso Soup With Burdock, Daikon and Mushrooms

Miso Soup with Burdock, Daikon and Mushrooms

By Molly Patrick
Jun 24, 2014,

I’ve never eaten meat in my life. My mom and dad raised me vegetarian and it stuck.

I’ve always thought of meat the same way that I think about cocaine or acid; if I’ve gone this long without it so I’m probably good.

Over three decades without meat and over half of a decade without dairy has been awesome.

The comments and questions below have made it even more awesome.

These are real comments and questions that I’ve gotten over the years that have amused me. Trust me, I couldn’t make this shit up.

1) “Don’t you miss meat?”

This was after I explained to my girlfriend’s mom that I had been vegetarian my whole life. Some people just can’t wrap their head around it! Bless her heart, every time we go back to Malaysia she takes me out to the newest veg restaurants.

2) “I didn’t know vegans could be so…voluptuous!”

I was at a networking event in San Francisco and it was 6am. SO not an appropriate place or time for this comment. Apparently he didn’t get the memo that he was tacky or that all vegans aren’t stick thin. (side note: witnessing people kiss each other’s asses at 6am is not advised.)

3) “I really want to give up meat after my kids are grown because I don’t want to compromise their growth. Is that a good idea?”

I grew up just fine (see point #2, above).

4) “Yes, we do have vegetarian food! Vegetarians eat chicken, right?”

Bless the taco truck guy’s heart because he was being totally sincere and he really thought that chicken was in the vegetarian food category.

5) “So, you want a cheeseburger with no burger? Sorry, we don’t have a button for that.”

Said the McDonald’s employee to me when I was 10 years old and attempting to be “cool” by having lunch at McDonald’s with my friends.

6) “You want a ham sandwich with no ham? I don’t understand. I don’t understand! Why no ham? Why no ham?!”

Said the German room service worker on a trip to Berlin. I think he did understand, he was just really irritated by the thought of a meatless sandwich.

7) “You don’t eat meat? No wonder you’re so pale.”

First of all, what kind of logic is this? Secondly I was two chromosomes away from being born an albino. My skin has been practically see through since I came out of the womb. It has nothing to do with not eating meat.

8) “Would you eat eggs if they came from my chickens that I have raised in my yard with lots and lots of love?”

Says a friend of mine, EVERY TIME I SEE HER.
I actually just don’t want to eat eggs.

9) “Are you sure you don’t want to come fishing with us?”

I know that fishing is fun for a lot of people, but even if I did eat fish, I think it is the most boring thing to do maybe ever. So no, I’m positive that I don’t want to go fishing with you for so many reasons.

Are those some doozies or what? 

It’s worth noting that none of these things actually offended me. I’d rather people ask than assume, because assuming is shitty. I know that I’ve asked my share of questions about meat in my life, having absolutely zero experience with it.

  • For instance, how do you know what meat comes cooked and what meat does not? For example, some hot dogs come cooked and some don’t. How do you know? Does it say it on the package? Do you have to examine the color?
  • Also, how do you know when meat is done cooking? Surely not everyone uses a cooking thermometer every time they cook meat. Or do they?

These are the things I wonder about, so I totally get that people are curious about someone who has never ingested meat.

If you have any questions for me, have at it in the comments below.

In the meantime, here’s a super simple plant based miso soup recipe for you. It’s easy to make, ultra healing, and it is the most comfort I’ve ever had in a bowl.

Plant Based Miso Soup with Burdock, Daikon and Mushrooms

Author: Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girl


  • 1 tablespoon ginger 8g, peeled and chopped
  • ½ cup burdock 50g, outer skin peeled and cut into 1-inch matchsticks
  • 1 cup daikon 130g, cut into thin rounds and then cut into quarters
  • ½ cup carrot 70g, sliced into thin rounds
  • 6 cups water 1.4 liter
  • 1 cup mushrooms 70g, sliced
  • ¼ cup miso 60g
  • 2 tablespoons green onions 20g, chopped. White and green parts.


  • Heat a medium sized pot and saute the ginger, burdock, daikon and carrot for 2 minutes on medium - low heat.
  • Add water and mushrooms and bring to a boil, turn heat down a little and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off heat and add the miso and the green onions.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, stir the soup. If all of the miso is not yet dissolved then use a whisk and gently whisk until miso is entirely dissolved.
  • Never boil miso, this will kill off the beneficial bacteria that makes miso so healthy.

Miso Soup with Burdock, Daikon and Mushrooms



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Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.


  1. Meg on July 10, 2014 at 9:54 am

    I gave up eating meat in January and have only now ventured toward calling myself a vegetarian. I figure 6 months is a pretty good indication that this is sticking. I still cook meat (mostly chicken) for my husband and two year old and buy lunchmeat for them. His intake is waaaaay down since I started my meat-free journey.
    But one thing has me a little nervous. My daughter likes to share her food with us (especially when it isn’t something that she reaaaaally wants). If it is a meat item, I’ll use say I’m full or Daddy wants it or even pretend to eat it. Obviously, she’s going to figure out when she gets older that mommy’s plate is a bit different than hers. I think about how I will tell her what the reasons are for my not eating meat. I’d rather not scare the shit out of her (YOU ARE EATING THAT CUTE LITTLE CHICK’S MOMMY!). How did your parents explain it to you as a kid?

    • Molly Patrick on July 11, 2014 at 11:03 am

      Congrats on eating healthier! It is a transition and it sounds like you are doing a great job! My parents made it a non-issue by not creating drama around it. They never really went into it, I just ate what my mom cooked and when I got older and started asking questions about meat my mom was really honest with me – but not until I was interested enough to ask. I am not a parent, but if it were me, I would tell your daughter that you’re not eating the same thing as daddy because you don’t eat animals. If she asks why, be honest with her and tell her your reasons – whatever they may be. Thanks so much for reaching out! xo

    • Kristin Swaim on July 21, 2014 at 3:12 pm

      Yay for you! I’ve been vegetarian for over a year … started when my kids were 3 and 5. We’re just big on no drama at the table, like Molly said in her comment. My son (the older of the two) asked one day why I don’t eat meat and I just told him it’s my way of helping the environment and eating healthier overall. He’s totally cool with it. (I even asked him one time if he thought it was weird or if he was okay with it and he said he was okay with it. LOL)

  2. michaela on April 21, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    dont want to be rude but mcdonalds’ fries are made with beef tallow

  3. Deb on August 29, 2016 at 12:01 am

    Ha! I so love eating WFPB…no more meat thermometers. I was always worried I would make someone sick with undercooked meat. By the way, thank you Molly for your beautiful heartfelt writing.

  4. Kathleen on May 2, 2018 at 10:10 am

    I am not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes… what if the recipes from here have things I can not eat in them…like any ???? including the seasonings?

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl on May 2, 2018 at 1:51 pm

      Hi Kathleen! This is as good a place as any. We maintain an active substitution document (also available in meal plan subscriber classrooms). If you don’t see a substitution / suggestion on that list you can also ask in our private Facebook group (there are always great ideas for subs if you ask) or if you are still stuck, fill out our contact form and we’ll do our best to help! ~Karen

  5. Val on May 17, 2018 at 10:24 am

    I have a miso broth that I’ve been trying to find a use for. My plant based NP recommended it. It’s Ocean’s Halo brand I believe. Could I make this recipe with that in place of the miso and water?

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl on May 17, 2018 at 12:13 pm

      Hi Val, Sure, you could use a premixed miso broth. The only note is that you want to avoid boiling miso as it kills the live cultures. Boiling the miso broth won’t hurt you but you’ll lose a big part of what is special about miso (those cultures). So, you might use a small amount of water (rather than all 6 cups) to cook the mushrooms and other veggies for the 10 minutes (during the boil part) and THEN add the miso broth afterwards so that it never comes to a boil and just gets heated towards the end. Thanks for stopping by, let us know if you try the recipe. ~Karen

  6. Margaret on November 10, 2018 at 12:39 pm

    5 stars
    Looks yummy!

  7. Kyra on April 30, 2019 at 10:24 pm

    Going to make this soup tomorrow! Do you recommend white or red miso? ?

    • Molly Patrick on May 1, 2019 at 1:07 am

      Hi Kyra,
      I always use red for soup and white / yellow for sauces and dressings.
      Let me know what you think! I love, love, love this soup.

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