July 10, 2021 by Molly Patrick

Make some trouble, but first...

Accepting the facts doesn’t mean you have to like the facts.
Accepting the facts doesn’t mean you can’t work towards creating different facts.
Accepting the facts doesn’t mean you give up.

When you accept the facts, it simply means you stop resisting reality.

Whether it’s social justice, your body, a terminal diagnosis, a breakup, climate change, other people’s choices, a layoff, or anything else you can’t control in this particular moment, it is only when we accept what is, that we can move forward with clarity and determination.

Accepting reality is not the same as condoning reality.

We can accept something and be angry about it.
We can accept something and want to change it (read again if you need).
We can accept something and be heartbroken about it.
We can accept something and take actions towards making it better.
We can accept something and move on.
We can accept something and create something else.

When we accept what is, there’s a sense of relief that comes with it. That relief is the weight of suffering being released as we give up our fight against reality.

And once that weight has lifted, we find ourselves at the starting line, ready to show up, raise hell, make trouble, love fiercely, feel deeply, and do the damn work!

Today over on the blog, I chat with two awesome humans, Melinda and her husband, Jeff. If you need inspiration to make some plant based changes in your life, meet me over here.


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Written by ex-boozer and ex-smoker, Molly Patrick that will help you eat more plants while throwing perfection down the garbage disposal.


Not for those offended by the F word.