Whole Food Plant Based Oil Free Recipes by Clean Food Dirty Girl

gluten free roasted butternut squash tacos no oil

Oil-Free Roasted Butternut Squash Tacos

nutty herb rice plant based

Instant Pot Nutty Herb Rice

plant based ice cream smoothie

Green Smoothie that Tastes like Ice Cream

Easy Chia Seed Very Berry Jam

crispy Tofu Nuggets recipe

Oil-Free Crispy Tofu Nuggets

vegan and plant based potato salad

Classic Plant Based Potato Salad Recipe

Oil-Free Coconut Vanilla Granola

whole-food plant-based egg salad

Eggless Egg Salad

Vegan Whole Food Plant Based Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting

Whole-Food Plant-Based Desserts You’ll Love

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