Words to Live by by Molly Patrick + Team

Trusting Your Gut: How Hunger Cues Can Reset

Trusting Your Gut: How Hunger Cues Can Reset on a Plant Based Diet

What Do You Really Want? + Whole-Food Plant-Based Vietnamese Banh Mi Sandwich

I May or May Not be Wearing Granny Underpants + Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats

My Top 10 Whole-Food Plant-Based Snacks + Spanish Quinoa (Instant Pot & Stove Top Directions)

Anything Less Than 100 Percent Does Not Equal Zero Percent + Plant Based Carrot Ginger Soup

G-Spot, Tacos & Iron + Whole-Food Plant-Based Creamy Mint Dressing

There’s No Magic in Perfect + Quick & Easy Hummus From Canned Beans

Top 10 Minimally Processed Plant Foods and What to Do with Them + Instant Pot Biryani Rice

Stop Squeezing The Cat + Plant Based Sunny Orange Dressing

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