
Our Bootcamp was a hit, so we're doing it again.

Enter your name and email below, and we'll put you on the waiting list. Trust us, you'll want IN on this plant party, and spots are limited.

Is our Plant Based Batching Bootcamp right for you?

  • If you have no idea what batching is, this is for you.
  • If you’re intimidated by batching cooking, this is for you.
  • If you have every intention to batch, but have yet to do it, this is for you.
  • If you want your batching sessions to be more organized, smoother, and faster, this is for you.
  • If you haven’t batched in a while, this is for you.
  • If you batch every weekend, this is for you.
  • If you want to eat healthier and stop putting it off, this is for you.
meet your plant based batching coach

Meet your coach

Hi, I’m Molly Patrick, co-founder of Clean Food Dirty Girl. Batch cooking healthy food is something I’ve done so much that I can practically do it with my eyes closed. When people see me cook, they can’t believe how quick, organized, and efficient I am. It doesn’t matter if I’m in a huge kitchen or a tiny one. When it comes to batching, I am at the top of my game.

And I would love to show you how during a future Batching Bootcamp!

Go from this

Overwhelmed with what to make for dinner.

Scouring the interwebs for recipes and piecing together each meal at a time.

Putting off batching and following a meal plan.

Feeling like the odd one out, eating plants all by your lonesome.

To this

Relaxed, knowing that a healthy dinner is in the fridge, ready for assembly each night.

Saving time and feeling confident about dinner.

Inspired and happy to have found your batching flow.

Feeling connected with this awesome community.