Jami Heymann Frees Herself of All Lupus Symptoms with a Plant Based Diet + Tangy Strawberry Hemp Dressing


Hi grass muncher,

Today I have a super informative chat for you that I had with Jami, a #PlantBoss from our Dirty Girl community who freed herself from all lupus symptoms with a plant-based diet.

If you know anyone who has been diagnosed with lupus, please make this blog post a priority.

Lupus is a painful autoimmune disease that affects the body in a plethora of different ways. Most people are dished out medication like candy to manage their flare ups once they’ve been diagnosed, but when Jami was diagnosed with lupus, she said “fuck that!” and started down her own path of healing herself with food. Can you see why I wanted to chat with her?!

Without the support of her doctor, Jami started tweaking her diet and today she is totally free of all lupus symptoms. BowChickaWowWow #LikeABoss 

Stories like these need to be told. And shared. And talked about. 

If Jami would have listened to her doctor, she would still be on medication, without any hope of living a life free of pain. Stories like Jami’s give me fuel to keep doing what I’m doing. And hopefully give you fuel to keep eating plants! It was a pleasure speaking with her and hearing her story.

If you know anyone with lupus, please share this blog post with them. It might just change their life.

Enjoy our chat session.

Today’s recipe is perfect for summer. Go make some and eat a HUGE green salad!

Tangy Strawberry Hemp Dressing

Author: Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girl


  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons Coconut Aminos
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 10 strawberries green tops discarded (or not if you want to keep them on)
  • 3 tablespoons hemp seeds
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic granules
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 3 – 4 turns cracked black pepper


  • Place everything into your blender and blend until well blended and there are no bits of strawberry.

Wishing you a happy week. May it be filled with hope where there was none before.

Get a weekly dose of inspiration to eat more plants and celebrate imperfection

Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick.


  1. Nathalie on August 12, 2017 at 11:43 am

    5 stars
    Also used it in rice wraps lined with spinach, hummus, thin sliced cukes and spiral cut daikon… 11/10.


  2. Anna on August 14, 2017 at 2:38 am

    Amazing story, all wishes for good health! And I really love the recipy for the strawberry dressing 🙂

  3. Lyndsey Hafer Williams on August 14, 2017 at 8:01 pm

    5 stars
    Excellent news!! Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Leigh on August 17, 2017 at 5:29 am

    5 stars
    YAY for this gal, who knows her body and realizes that our bodies were made to heal themselves, given the right fuel!

  5. Donna on August 18, 2017 at 10:26 am

    5 stars
    Wonderful news!!!! I can tell you, that eating WFPB all my aches and pains are starting to subside! AND my face is clearing up from menopausal acne! (or so I thought). YAY!!!

  6. Monica on October 20, 2017 at 2:59 pm

    5 stars
    I’m so glad I made the time to listen to this interview. After being in constant joint and nerve pain since Jan 2015 with only a B12 deficiency diagnosis until late 2016, when I received a diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis, I had reached the point this summer where I had run out of pharma options (due to allergies and other medical conditions). That’s when I decided 9 weeks ago to take my health into my own hands and start WFPB diet. Like, Jami, I had relief of pain in hands and wrists within 2 weeks and although I have completely left my walker behind for a cane and now have the stamina to complete the Meal Plan cooking, I had been wondering how much more improvement it was realistically possible for me to see. Now I take heart that continued improvements are not out of the question if I give it more time. Thanks for all you do 🙂

    • Molly Patrick on October 20, 2017 at 4:00 pm

      This is fantastic, thank you for sharing, Monica!
      Keep us update don your progress!

    • Meghann Milton on October 22, 2017 at 9:46 am

      So wonderful to hear about how much better you’re feeling since making the switch Monica! You will continue to improve as time goes on. We love to hear stories like yours. 🙂

      Team Dirty Girl

  7. Iuni on March 18, 2018 at 2:30 am

    Hi there

    My daughter has been diagnosed with lupus for over 10 years now and still little improvements.

    Please contact me if possible as I would like to try out what you’ve suggested thathelped healed you.

    • Team Clean Food Dirty Girl on March 18, 2018 at 1:04 pm

      Hi Iuni, You can read more about the meal plans that Jami has been following at this link. Definitely join our private Facebook group too as it’s a supportive place to learn more about eating a whole food plant based diet even if you aren’t subscribed to the meal plans.

      Team Dirty Girl

  8. Leslie on February 2, 2021 at 4:54 pm

    5 stars
    So in 1997 I was diagnosed with Lupus. I was very lucky to find a Dr. who was ok with my not taking any of the horrid medicines they give people. It has meant some painful days but I knew to many Lupus suffers who died from the medications. In Nov.2020, I survived a heart attack but once again the Drs wanted to give me pills. Yes, I have to take some but I have found following a plant based diet has helped both my Lupus and my cholesterol! It has also been fun trying the new recipes and all the new foods. Thank you Dirty Girls ?❤️?

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