Whole Food Plant Based Kitchen Play

whole-food plant-based kitchen play with Molly Patrick

Goodbye to stumbling around your kitchen like a drunk stranger (even though you’re not actually drunk)

And hello to owning your kitchen with Jennifer-Aniston-confidence and 

preparing plant based meals with intention

whole-food plant-based kitchen play with Molly Patrick

You need this course if:

  • You want to crave salad as much as you crave potato chips (spoiler alert, this is totally possible).

  • You’re right handed, but when you get into the kitchen it suddenly feels like everything you do is being done with your left hand.

  • You are a visual learner and learn best from step-by-step video instruction.

  • You want to make a healthy whole-food plant-based lunch from scratch in less time than it takes to order and pick up take out.

  • You want some quick lunch ideas with step-by-step tutorials.

  • You’re looking for whole-food plant-based meal ideas that don’t have twenty hundred and three ingredients. You want simple, straight forward, easy, fast, delicious.

  • You’ve spent months gathering recipes, perfecting your plant based Pinterest boards, joining all the Facebook groups, reading every plant based blog, following all the hashtags on Instagram. And you have yet to make one. single. thing.

  • You’ve wished at least once that there was a whole-food plant-based cooking show with a sweary host who can’t dance (but does anyway).

  • Your name is Jennifer Aniston.

Welcome to Whole Food Plant Based

Kitchen Play with Molly Patrick

Included with Clean Food Dirty Girl

Unlike understanding your hormones, cooking plants in your kitchen doesn’t have to be complicated. Your kitchen is a blank canvas. All you need is a little direction and a free pass to have fun and PLAY!

Come over to my house and pull up a chair. I won’t just cook you lunch, I’ll show you step-by-step how to do it, while spilling all my tips and tricks that I use on a daily basis.

Screw telling you, I’m going to SHOW you exactly how to cook simple whole food plant meals from scratch. All of the recipes are free of meat, dairy, eggs, oil, processed ingredients, and refined sugar.


  • Immediate access to all 11 cooking video tutorials in Clean Food Dirty Girl

  • Over 4 hours of video training

  • Whole food plant based recipe ebook with all the recipes from the videos

  • A tour of my kitchen and all my tips and tricks for making your kitchen a place you want to spend time in.

Welcome to Whole Food Plant Based

Kitchen Play with Molly Patrick

Jill Hall Learning experience!

"Yesterday I had two meals that were worthy of any fine restaurant, for which I would have paid handsomely. Instead of having to leave my home to get these meals, they were there in my fridge, bursting with awesomeness, and seconds readily available if I wanted them. On top of that, after eating I felt fantastic. No post-prandial naptime, no heartburn, no indigestion."

Here’s what you will master:

In this video, I give you an inside look at my kitchen, and the things I use to make my day-to-day cooking easier and more comfortable. Get ready to make your kitchen your own little sanctuary!

Plant Based | Gluten Free | No Oil 

What People Are Saying

Amy Gillard

"What amazes me the most is that 4 months ago I would have thought this was "not for me" but even my boyfriend thought it was delicious! His plate was cleaned too! And when I told him that there was enough for leftovers, he was genuinely happy!"

Are you ready

to play with me in your kitchen?

Included with your Clean Food Dirty Girl membership.

Learn more about Clean Food Dirty Girl