Dirty Glow Mini Juice Fast Logo

Stop junk food cravings and glow from the inside out with our 3-day juice fast.

Get our transformative and easy-to-follow program for just $59 $29 for a limited time (and keep it forever).

Dirty Glow Mini Juice Fast Logo

Stop junk food cravings and glow from the inside out with our 3-day juice fast.

Get our transformative and easy-to-follow program for just $59 $29 for a limited time (and keep it forever).

Three Day Juice Fast Program with Green Juice Recipes, Guide, and More

We’ve taken our best tips, tricks, mouthwatering juice recipes (yes, you'll enjoy drinking kale), pre and post-fast instructions and packaged them into easy-to-follow downloads.

This 3-day juice fast is typically only available as part of our premium Plant Fueled Reset, but now you can purchase it separately to follow whenever you need a glow-up.

Join hundreds of Dirties who completed the fast feeling joyful and sparkly from the inside out. Refresh your palate, perk up your cells, remind yourself how capable you are, and get your Dirty glow on!

Molly Patrick and Clean Food Dirty Girl Community on a Three Day Juice Fast

Buy the Dirty Glow Mini Juice Fast for just $59 $29!

*Please review medical considerations before purchasing

“Loving the lunch juice! My favorite so far. This whole experience has been wonderful for me. Past juice fast attempts were not as successful.” 


"I'm a notorious snacker, so when challenged to do the juice fast, I had my doubts. But all the juices were refreshing, the directions were super clear, and the support was awesome. Do it, even if you doubt yourself."


"I’m back in control of my sugar cravings and proud of myself for sticking to the juice fast!"


“Starting with the smaller meal days before the juice fast was key. I have never stuck to a lifestyle shift so well as I did with this.”


Can you give yourself just one week to glow?

Our 3-day juice fast includes everything you need to shine. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Juicing equipment list and our recommendations
  • Simple instructions for before and after the fast to prepare your body and your mind
  • Handy produce shopping list
  • Nine incredible green juice recipes
  • Juice Fast Journal download
  • Email support

Go from this

Constantly craving sugar and salt, trapped in an unhealthy eating pattern.

Feeling tired and heavy after meals, knowing you can treat your body better.

Putting yourself on the back burner.

To this

No longer craving junk food with a genuine desire for healthy food.

Being more connected with your body and looking forward to fueling it with plant based foods.

Feeling proud for completing a juice fast and glowing from the inside out.

All your juicy questions answered

Buy the Dirty Glow Mini Juice Fast for just $59 $29!

*Please review medical considerations before purchasing

Medical considerations

Juicing is a great way to fill your cells with nutrients, reset your palate, and kickstart your plant fueled life, but first, let’s go over some important medical considerations.

  • Diabetes or insulin resistance: We won’t be juicing super sweet fruit, but because juice has no fiber, it can spike blood sugar more than when drinking smoothies or eating. We’ll be juicing things like carrots and beets, which are higher on the glycemic index. If you have diabetes or insulin resistance, juicing these sweeter items or juicing in general may not be the best choice for you. Talk with your doctor to make an informed choice.
  • Eating disorders: If you have an eating disorder or have struggled with disordered eating in the past and you think doing a juice fast will be a trigger for you, listen to your wisdom and take care of yourself.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding: Fasting is not advised if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Grapefruit and medication: If you take birth control, statins, medications, or supplements, you should avoid juicing (and eating) grapefruit. Certain phytochemicals in grapefruit interfere with how your body absorbs medication, which can be dangerous.
  • Thyroid function: If you have an underactive thyroid, known as hypothyroidism, consuming high amounts of raw cruciferous veggies may further suppress your thyroid hormone function. If this is you, juice cruciferous veggies like broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, and collard greens sparingly.

People respond differently to fasting, and what works well for one person may not be suitable for another. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any fasting regimen. We are not qualified to give medical advice and, as always, you are responsible for your well-being.

Dirty Glow Mini Juice Fast Logo